[h2]Kitagawa Miyu[/h2] When the Outbreaker stormed off, Miyu's face returned to her hands and she let out a long sigh. What was she supposed to do? It wasn't her duty. It wasn't her job to handle these kinds of things. And so, especially with the circumstances that had occurred moments earlier, she was near her breaking point. It was likely any further embarrassment would lead to her collapsing into an awkward heap. She didn't say much of anything at all, even as she felt the fur of Zann's fox form brushing up against her. So he'd transformed...? That didn't help the situation as much as it should have. And, certainly, what happened next definitely didn't help her situation at all. Panda hugged her. After a few moments of silence, Miyu felt her cheeks filled with embarrassing heat. Why... what? Why was she hugging her? Why... Why?! And then came that question. After a brief pause, a moment of comprehension, the rabbit youkai's quaking form suddenly went rigid, her mouth hanging open. Her cheeks, no, her entire face, was bright red, her ears twitching rapidly. "Eeeeeehhhhh?!" So stunned was she that the repeatedly blipping on her console wasn't really noticed yet... [hr] [h2]Minami Fuuka[/h2] Fuuka was quick to step out into the sunlight. From the outside, the Outbreaker Building was a tall, dark structure... with most of the important things beneath it. Fuuka had never paid attention to exactly why this was the case, but it probably had to do with keeping them safe. Or something. Regardless, the upper floors were mostly office space from what she knew. Various facilities beneath it actually let out all across Tokyo. For example, the mecha could be launched from nearly any point in the city. As Tamako lamented the lack of drinks, Fuuka turned to face her. "I'll just grab some from a vending machine," she replied, "Don't worry, Tamachan." Indeed, there was a vending machine right nearby... Without skipping a beat, Fuuka pulled out her wallet and scanned the machine. Taking note of the price, she slipped a few coins inside, enough to purchase beverages for all of them. Ordering one for herself, she was about to look back... when the machine did not vend her drink. A few moments later, the vending machine now about a hundred meters away and in much less functional condition, Fuuka approached the others with several beverages. "See? Easy!" It was about then that a strange sound, a shadow of some sort, whooshed by... "... Did anyone hear that?"