[h2]Emrys Merlin[/h2] The half-fae had stared at Lotte's body a bit as she walked in, but more in disbelief that the rumors and occasional confessions he'd filtered out of demons were true and Lancelot, greatest lech in all of Camelot, had been transformed into a succubus. The irony made his lips quirk up into a smirk and he felt himself having to suppress a laugh. If anything, the boy only smirked harder as Lotte failed to deduce her situation. Well, nobody had ever accused Lancelot of being the most intelligent among Arthur's companions. The child mage let her give her little summary and act smug before he couldn't hold back anymore and burst out laughing, hard enough that he actually fell out of the comparatively over-sized office chair and floated up into the air upside-down. He floated back upward un little eddies of wind until he looked eye-to-eye with the succubus after fading into more subdued but still rather unimpressive fits of childish giggling. [color=violet]"Oh-ho-homigosh, over a millennium and a half and you're-you're [b]still[/b] just as clueless as ever!I haven't laughed like that for at least a few centuries, but just look at you! You're just too much!"[/color] The former arch-magus regained control over himself after a little of this and floated back down into the chair, regarding the demonic swords-woman more seriously. [color=darkviolet]"Okay, okay I'll grant you, you actually got a decent amount right for someone whose only thinking used to be done with your metaphorical and literal swords. But you got a few points wrong."[/color] He held up a hand and stuck up a finger for each of the points in question. [color=darkviolet][b]"One: While I [b]am[/b] admittedly impressed with the improvements to pornography made since the 5th century on a technical level, the neurological and hormonal side-effects of this body mean I don't exactly ah...appreciate them in any other way, if a dirty old woman like you really has to know." "Two: The Daddy-Puppet is working fine thanks, you aren't meant to replace it, nor was this body an accident. In fact it was all part of my plan." "Three: That plan means there will be some nannying involved, to keep up appearances obviously. But it mostly involves paying you lots and lots of money to fight and potentially kill a whole lot of people for me and maybe get your old sword back in the bargain. No King, no Grail, no shining dream to inspire humans that don't deserve it.[/b]"[/color] He put his arm back down and wove his fingers together on the desk as his 'father' moved jerkily to life and held up a contract and a pen. [color=darkviolet][b]"So does that sound like a deal, Lancelot Du Lac?"[/b][/color] [@Atomicnut]