[@The Critic]Here's the mute ghoul I mentioned, need something decided on by you and the others playing town residents due to him being mute, namely what to call him. [hider=Jacob McMurphy] Name: Jacob McMurphy, known as (Nickname to be decided by [@Pathfinder][@The Critic][@Burning Kitty] and all others who are accepted into the RP as town residents) [hider=Image (warning, very large)][img]http://i64.tinypic.com/f5dqgj.jpg[/img][/hider] Age: 239 Personality: As a mute, Jacob's personality can be hard to pin down, especially since most people can't read, nor do they know American Sign Language. Those who've been around him though, can tell that he cares a lot about people who treat him well, and that he's the first to volunteer out of the goodness of his heart. Apparel/Armor: Gunner Flannel Shirt and Jeans(IC-wise treated as his old US Army fatigue shirt), White Winter Jacket(IC-wise treated as his old Army Winter parka), fingerless knit gloves Weapon(s): Scoped Hunting Rifle, Pipe pistol, Serrated Combat Knife Settlement Occupation/Contribution: Game Hunter, occasional Guard Biography: Born in 2048, in central Boston, Jacob grew up in a very urban-American lifestyle. His father was a factory worker, assembling vehicles for the American consumers, and his mother worked as a nurse at Milton General. Growing up in the streets of Boston, Jacob was plunged headfirst into the culture of modern America. Growing up as Nuka-Cola was just taking off, He was an avid fan of the soda as a youth, and would, like most Americans, be found with a bottle at every meal possible. By 2066, Jacob was a full adult, and was quickly drafted into the Army when the Battle for Anchorage broke out. Serving a long five years on the front lines as a marksman, the war was about as good as war could be for Jacob, until a fateful day in March of 2072, when Chinese paratroopers captured him and his squad. Being held prisoner for 4 years, Jacob was beaten and mauled by cruel torture methods, which culminated in the Chinese cutting out his tongue, leaving him permanently unable to speak. Eventually, they would be rescued, having been whittled down to just 3 men, from their original ten. Jacob would be awarded the Purple Heart, the Prisoner of War Medal, National Defense Service Medal, and the Anchorage Reclamation Service Medal. Returning home in late 2076, Jacob had a bit less than a year to enjoy life in the United States before the Great War struck. On that morning, Jacob was in a cafe on the edge of Boston, enjoying a late breakfast, when the first bomb struck. The radio blared the news, and out the window, Jacob saw the horror of true atomic war. The shockwave blasted through the city, windows shattered, the cafe came collapsing around Jacob, and the last thing he saw was his own hands against the backdrop of the ceiling. Jacob doesn't know what time, day, month, or even year he woke up. All he remembers is laying in a pile of rubble, looking up at a pitch black sky, and feeling rain. Jacob began to walk towards his home in central Boston, not noticing the changes impacting his body as he did so. By the time he made it to the dilapidated ruin of his home, he knew there was very little left. Scavenging what he could, his old army shirt and jacket, his medals, and a hunting rifle preserved in his gun safe, he set out to find out what life was left in the world. By 2287, Jacob had fully accepted his life as a ghoul, having wandered from settlement to settlement, searching for a place he could finally settle down in and call home, Jacob eventually found a place to live in the settlement of Tenpines Bluff. Building a home on the edge of town, Jacob took to life as the local game hunter, bringing in meat from the various irradiated animals of the wasteland, and sharing it with the town and passing traders in exchange for ammo, water, and other necessary supplies, though communicating his needs is often difficult with his lack of speaking ability. Reason for Agreeing: He was one of the first to volunteer, though someone who doesn't know of his kindness can only guess as to why. [/hider]