[@Leoven] [color=f26522]Jaica Borré:[/color] [quote][color=6e757e]Furtive Assimilation[/color] [color=099FFF][sub]» [b]C A P A B I L I T I E S[/b][/sub][/color][indent][indent][color=6e757e]Furtive Assimilation allows its user to instantly assimilate into any society or social group, including subconsciously removing the abilities of others around them to identify the user as a stranger or alien to the social group. With this ability, Jaica easily inserts herself into any group to gather intelligence or internally sabotage her target group.[/color][/indent][/indent] [color=099FFF][sub]» [b]D R A W B A C K S[/b][/sub][/color][indent][indent][color=6e757e]Jaica's abilities will not affect the sensory abilities of mechanical constructs such as robotics and DNA-based locks.[/color][/indent][/indent][/quote] Reading over the ability, I think it needs rewording [i]'or'[/i] you really could take the easy route out and copy the Power Listing explanation. [quote][color=6e757e]The user can instantly assimilate into any society or social group, subconsciously nullifying the ability/need of others to recognize user as nothing else than part of the group/social structure they place themselves. They could walk into a restaurant and immediately assume a position of waiter, or go into a crime organization and assume a the role of domestic servant.[/color][/quote] It really comes down to this line [color=6e757e]"including subconsciously removing the abilities of others around them to identify the user as a stranger or alien to the social group"[/color] which is really repeating the already described explanation of exactly what the Lunos ability is capable of. This then links a bit into the drawbacks where you mention DNA based locks. Furtive Assimilation is a form of social cloaking, it doesn't affect the user's DNA. Therefore it's already assumed that her DNA will not change. What you could use is some of the drawbacks from an ability such as Shapeshifting. [quote=Examples]- May revert back to original form when unconscious or asleep. - May be limited on how long transformation can last - Staying extended periods in single form may start affecting the users behavior or even make them forget their true self - May retain characteristics of their original form in their new shape (i.e., color scheme, birthmarks, scars, etc.).[/quote] [color=f26522]Talcri Borré:[/color] When I initially set up the roleplay I actually avoided the topic of cybernetics because I felt that it can be an overused theme in which people can latch onto. Hence, I created the Medical Pods which can be used to basically grow back limbs and body parts based on the DNA genome... Or in simple words, going back to the instruction manual and rebuilding. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1sL_2nhV0c][YT Vid of how a Medical Pod somewhat works][/url] [i](Plus there's the point where if someone created Robocop with the abilities of the Avatar... It might be a little too OP :lol)[/i] So for your character I'm happy to have the cybernetic arm as it does create diversity and was probably cheaper than growing back a limb, but I'm inclined to state that since the Lunos incident her Genome was locked with the contaminant meaning that if she was to enter into a Medical Pod her arm won't grow back. Not much, but if you make those adjustments to Jaica and let me know what you've done, then I can accept the two of them. [hr][@Kyrisse] [color=f26522]Yazmin:[/color] Unfortunately there is going to be a fair bit that I need to discuss, both in the back story and the ability. I'll start off with the ability. [quote][color=6e757e]Energy and Lunos Absorption[/color] [color=Lightpink][sub]» [b]C A P A B I L I T I E S[/b][/sub][/color][indent][indent][color=6e757e]Yaz has the ability to absorb energy and lunos by skin to skin contact. She is able to copy any skill or lunos that a person has for a short span of time.[/color][/indent][/indent] [color=Lightpink][sub]» [b]D R A W B A C K S[/b][/sub][/color][indent][indent][color=6e757e]Touching a person drains them of their energy and they are temporarily rendered weak. Skin to skin contact also gives Yaz a fragment of the person's memories. The longer she touches a person, the more she siphons off their energy and the more she sees into their past. Afraid that she might end up killing someone, she rarely uses the power and keeps every inch of her skin covered (with the the exception of her face, of course). Curiously, people touching her does not seem to have the same effect as when she touches them.[/color][/indent][/indent] [/quote] This ability doesn't have a set theme and some of the drawbacks are actually advantages. Touching a person to render them weak, and able to see into their memories is a positive effect, not a drawback. I also don't see the connection with ability copying to telepathy which leaves me to wonder if you're casting a wide net for an ability you're not sure of. I do have concerns about the ability itself, as well as this line: [color=6e757e][i]"Curiously, people touching her does not seem to have the same effect as when she touches them."[/i][/color] The ability relies on you understanding what every Lunos is capable of and how each player interprets their own creation, then applying that knowledge to your own character [i](ie: a risk of metagaming)[/i]. Making an error in replicating that same idea in your own character could spell spell confusion when your character starts throwing fireballs when the original ability was only able to manipulate fire. On a side note, touch is touch and you state that she wears gloves because of her Lunos, it gives the impression that whatever makes contact with her skin will instantly be absorbed. As I said, not all Lunos abilities are positive so I would hate to see what happens when she was to make accidental contact with someone that can go nuclear when she doesn't understand, or possibly know, what the new ability consists of. :hmm As mentioned, there is the backstory that is of some concern. The planet was destroyed by a comet the size of let's say half of Australia; a big bugger of a thing. For Yazmin's family to be killed by the incoming impact, she would no have had enough time to escape to the Noah II seeing as it would have been out of orbit and leaving the planet behind. Her mother, also being gravely ill, would have been placed in a Medical Pod. The only reason why she would be dying is because of natural old age or the inability to reach a Medical Pod, which seems unlikely seeing as her brother was in the Air Force. If possible it might be best to ease up on the assorted death and dying stories, leaving her sadness to be that simply of how she left her family behind. There is also the detail of her wanting to transport people down from the spacecraft. The ship launches it's occupants in a drop-pod to the surface. As of current there is no craft that can leave the atmosphere back up to the Noah as there really is no reason to have one [i]yet[/i].