Because I already run three destiny draw plus diamond dude. I don't need six draw cards in a forty card deck. Allure more over banishes monsters so it's not like it doesn't come without the cost of throwing away shadow mist. Solemn notice was meant to be warning. There's literally like six solemn cards. Dark Law is at three because literally ALL my monster mask change into dark law. It's there because it's the easiest monster I can go into. I'll consider throwing in Zero for one instead it just seems really situational as I use king for either Destiny End, or to search poly normally. I'll look up later what I can replace Fear Monger with. He really isn't doing anything regardless. Decisionguy may only be once per duel, which is retarded by the way, but he at least blocks off any high level monsters from doing anything. As for mirage at one it actually lets me re-summon monsters that were blown up by something. I can proc Dystopia guy, he gets blown up and returns, and then procs again for a huge amount of burn damage.