[center][img]http://media.archonia.com/images/samples/72/29/127229_s0.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1][u][i]Johnathan, the Walking Blade[/i][/u][/h1][/center] [center][h2]Tickets bought at the Entrance or $10.00 Admission at the Door[/h2][/center] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3li5tge0jZ8[/youtube][/center] [i]"Oh yes! Oh Yes! Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck! MMMMMMmmmmm![/i] [color=9e0b0f]"Oh god baby! Huh! Huuh! Grrrr!"[/color] Towards the back of the circus, not to far off from [i]Carnie Lane[/i] was a rather peculilar trailer, small but wide. Out side the door was a poster. It was a cartoon interpretation of the man who owned it. His eyes darkened to show his ever-opening eyes to the deadly world he played in. A straight jacket opened and with arms crossed in front of him, representing his insanity and lack of control for the art of the blade. It read: [i]Johnathan, The Walking Blade[/i]. Below it:[i]Behold the boy of the blade and witness his dance with the edge of the knife.[/i] The rest of the poster talked about [i]"Yes baby! Mmmmmm... Faster!"[/i] His personal wagon rocked back and forth, needless to say that the screams and primal sounds of love, though muffled, could still be heard if one was close enough to his [i]dressing room[/i]. The Deftones blaring through his old stereo, adding to the euphoria of the moment. He always did enjoy good musical.....coitus. The inside of his trailer was rather simple but definitely showed that he was a main act if the stainless steel, chrome and gold knives, swords and other sharp instruments meant anything. Trophies lined a rather makeshift shelf, many detailing his control and expertize with cold steel. Before him was a rather voluptuous brunette, hair spread out and her glasses half hanging off her face, a smile of enjoyment etched hard onto her face. His on the other hand... His shirtless chest was carved with long and jagged scars of all sizes, the largest running down from the right side of his neck to the left side of his waste. He refuses to ever talk about that one. Many assume because of his perverse nature it was a jealous [i]ex[/i] if one could even call his mistresses exes. Soon the fun had ended and he slid off of her and sat on the edge of his bed, retrieving a smoke from his pants that lay in the crumpled pile below him, along with her own. [i]"Hey babe...Could I get one please?"[/i] She cooed with a smirk. He went to light his smoke and then turned to her with a glare complemented with a look of disgust before tossing one behind his back. The woman easily caught it and scooted up behind him, her bosom pressed into his back enough for him to feel her outline. Soft hands wrapped around him as she leaned forward for the light that was offered. [i]"We should do this again sometime babe."[/i] He gave her a sidelong glance before standing up and making his way to his dresser, withdrawing a simple x-acto knife from the top of it. He twirled it between his fingers before offering it to her with a wide grin. [color=9e0b0f]"Oh we will...But first you made a promise. Remember to wait for me on the other side, ok my precious little butterfly."[/color] She looked into his eyes as her own glazed over, her movements slow but graceful, trancelike one could say as she took the blade in hand. [i]Knock Knock Knock[/i] He watched with sadistic glee as she turned her hand palm side over, the blade inching its way to her soft skin. A few more centimeters and it will be all over. [i]Knock Knock Knock[/i] [color=9e0b0f]"Tch...WAHHHH! What is it!?"[/color] He broke eye contact with her and glared metaphorical daggers at the door before actually throwing them through the window earning a yelp from the other side followed by a scream next to him, causing him to flinch. Looking back he noticed that she was out of the trance and panicking, realizing what she was about to do. Quickly she grabbed her things and bolted for the door...A door she would never leave. In an instant he reached out and gripped her by the mouthand yanked her back into him. Her muffled screams became gurgled cries of pain as he drove the knife into her neck. [color=9e0b0f]"IM BUSY! WHAT YOU WANT FUCKER!"[/color] A single pierce of cold steel was never enough for him. "Your act is next, sir." After a few more penetrations with the now bloodied knife he dropped both his instrument and her lifeless body on the ground with an audible thud. [color=9e0b0f]"Oh shit! I-I-I'll be right out! OH FUCK OH FUCK HOW DID I FORGET!"[/color] He scrabbled around the place and threw on his costume before bolting out the door, completely ignoring the gruesome display of violence he just caused, treating it as if it were nothing. Soon he made his way to the tent, seeing [@LadyRunic] Desdemona already performing and this set John off. Trudging through the crowd like he was waist deep in mud, he began screaming. [color=9e0b0f]"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK EKANS! I'M THE NEXT FUCKING ACT YOU SCALY HAG OF A MEDUSA'S WHORE!! GET OFF THE STAGE UNLESS YOU WANT TO COMPLETE THE REST OF MY POKEDEX!"[/color] He scrambled to the front of the crowd near Slinky who simply rolled his eyes and shook his head as he attempted to distract the crowd from his antics but, with Johnny that was never easy. He hoped the gate and walked up towards Des until he was about 115ft away from her. John bent low, retrieving two small...pokeballs? He leaned back and through the one. [color=9e0b0f]"BULBASUAR I CHOOSE YOU, GO!"[/color] The ball rolled forward and landed just a few feet from Des, opening to reveal a small plastic Bulbasuar. The crowd got silent before giggling started to run through the crowd. [color=9e0b0f]Bulbasuar use vine whip!"[/color].....Nothing [color=9e0b0f]"Bulbasuar I said use VINEWHIP!"[/color] Annoyance grew to irritation, irritaition to frustration and finally frustration into anger before he ran up and kicked the pokeball out into the crowd. [color=9e0b0f]USELESS FUCKING LEAF POKEMON! FINE THEN! I don't need a pokemon to capture you! Pokeballllllll! GO!"[/color] and with that, and full force, he chucked the empty toy at the snake lady and soon enough, the crowd got eerily silent as it bounced off her head and rolled open onto the ground. [color=9e0b0f]"Ehh....."[/color] [hr] [hr] [center][img]http://www.gameindustry.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/alma-F.E.A.R.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1][u]Chitter, The One Most Fear[/u][/h1][/center] She had been running about the circus as per usual, retrieving cash deposits and picking up other paper work like vendor invoices and current business statistics. As she walked however, many seem to move away from her, feeling an uneasy, inhuman aura about her that felt cold, dark, even hollow to the touch. Even her movements seemed to echo this as graceful as they seemed. Her name was Chelsea Samael Ritter, though, everyone in the circus simply knew her as [i]Chitter[/i], and everyone simply avoided her say for a few brave ones, D. Ark, Johnny and Blink to name the oh so few. She used to have a place within the circus as a contortionist and fortune teller however, after an incident 3 years ago, D. Ark forbid her from ever performing again, especially after the body parts were found by police over 2 miles of forest. Fortunately the circus was no longer in the vacinity by the time authorities had gotten there but because of this and the attention that would have been drawn to them, he simply could not allow it. So, instead he opted to allow her to run errands for him instead. It allowed her to stay with the circus family and still provided some helpful work for Mr. Ark, or simply known to her as [i]Dad or Daddy.[/i] But needless to say, that incident is what caused many of her co-workers to treat her like a pariah. That, and the fact she was not against taking the souls of co-workers should they step out of line. An [i]Enforcer of rules[/i] if one so wishes to call her that. Her story on the otherhand is a bit of a mystery, even to D. Ark. D. Ark's rumors run along the lines of [i]Child of Satan[/i], a [i]Deal with the Devil[/i] and the like. Hers is nothing more than darkness shrouded in even more darkness. Some have claimed that she was nothing more than an innocent girl who was used as a living sacrifice to invoke and even summon a demon of hell to this world, others claim that her middle name is her true name and of biblical nature. But when asked she simply smiles, an inhuman and sinister smile that is described as being [i]"literally from ear to ear with raze sharp teeth. If you pay attention, you can see her eyes sink into her head slightly.[/i] She watched from the other side of the tent near the owners own, the poor young soul who was taken because of a dare. Humans, the things they do for a quick adrenaline rush. After the body was dropped, she stepped forwards from the shadows, similar to the way Johnny did. He did teach her after all. He was like a brother to her and one of the few who were unafraid of her. As she approached she stopped in front of the young girl, moving her face over with her bare foot to get a better look at her before letting it fall back to its zombie-like state. [color=007236]"I have the papers you asked for daddy. The carnies were given their paystubs and the animal tamers have their new exotic animal licenses, all up-to-date."[/color] She passed the papers and whatnot before holding her hands up above her, wanting a ride on his shoulders. A smile innocent smile resting on her face. [color=007236]"I'm bored...Do you have anything else for me to do? Or can I go enjoy SOME of the festivities?"[/color] She shook her head before dropping it slightly, cocked to one side with a smirk to match.