[@cloudystar][@Always][@DriveEMOut][@IceboundMemoire][@CriticalHit] Eleanor stood at the side of the fight as everyone ran off. She was left on her own to fend for herself... She backed herself up against a tree and shut her eyes... She waited quietly listening as everyone else was fighting. A sudden rustle of leaves behind her turns to a screaming some unknown thing. She opens her eyes to find that a vampire was now on the ground, what as strong is why she wasn't attacked by a group of them. Eleanor smirks as she pulls Asuramaru from the vampire's corpse and she runs into the fight with the group and... another stranger. She sighs as she shakes her head jumping in and slicing a vampire in half. She seemed to be moving in a pattern... Her steps going left, right, back, forward with her slicing whenever it made sense. She seemed to be moving according to a number.