[center][img]http://37.media.tumblr.com/b88f091bdab013e64850387f6c896b74/tumblr_mpmq97pLYq1spdt2jo1_500.gif[/img][/center] [center][h1][u]Let's Play a Game[/u][/h1][/center] [center][I]It is when her laughter stops, is when life is snuffed from existence...[/I][/center] [@LadyRunic] Little bird, she loved his little pet name for her. She earned it years ago and originally took to it with reluctance. But now, she was content with it and welcomed it with open arms. Happy to get a ride from dear old dad was more than enough then to put her in a pleasant mood. D. Ark was the only few who could do this, this mostly thanks to his ability to fake parental emotions. However, Chitter pouted at D. Ark's response. [color=007236]"I wasn't that bad..."[/color] She mumbled before perking up to the idea of Dad scolding the others, so long as he went easy on Johnny. Although, he [i]did[/i] forget about her birthday last year...Yeah scold him too. The two had entered the tent and just as they did, the mob of humans ran, Ark's aura filling the tent with chilling waves of killer and demonic intent. It was intense, more so that she was right next to him but it was buffered slightly by her own. Blink was sent off to the medic, Smiles left quietly and out with the crowd, trying to calm them for now until it was time to feed. Ark trusted her enough to watch over these two and watch them she would, but there would be a twist to it, and she had been wanting to play for awhile. She smiled gently up to Ark as she watched him walk away. Chitter turned back to face Johnny and gave him her [i]playful[/i] look. [color=9e0b0f]"Oh FUCK no!"[/color] He turned to run towards the exit but instead ran into two large double doors, causing him to fall backward, Chitter appearing at his side before watching him fall. [color=007236]Now we wait for[/color] [color=black]the other one."[/color] Desdemona had started to slither out of the tent, but just as she did she came across the same [url=http://abnf.co/VA-richmond,_va_abandoned_school_files/image025.jpg]door[/url] that Johnny was currently standing near at the bottom step. Above in half unreadable letters said- [h3]St. Rosa Academy[/h3] The paint along the outside of the door faded and chipped over time, tiling along the ground had been torn apart and ripped up from the wear and tear of nature and natural destruction. Chitter moved to face the two, one on either side of her. [color=black]"Daddy wants me to watch over you and so that's what I'll do. I felt that since you two can't play together, maybe you can play with me."[/color] Her innocent little giggle echoing through the air. [color=9e0b0f]"Hey sis, what gives. There's no need for- Alright alright, jeez."[/color] He went to protest her actions but she shot him a hollowed eyed gaze, silencing him immediately. Instead he just folded his hands and looked away. [color=black]"Anywayyy-"[/color] She sing-songed. [color=black]"Inside this amazing place is a little music box. The goal is to find the music box together. Otherwise-"[/color] Her smile brightened even more. [color=black]"You die! Heheheheh. Now, I want you to count to three before you go rushing into here okay? Get ready!"[/color] Quickly she turned on her heels and swung the door open with a thud before slamming shut but as it slammed closed, it bounced back open slightly, revealing that Chitter had basically vanished into thin air. [color=9e0b0f]"She creeps me out..."[/color] He said as he frowned, glancing over to Des. [When the two enter this is what they will see, choose your path! Hehehehe] [img]https://darrenketchumphotography.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/img_5592-hdr.jpg[/img]