The Lamia turned to look at the little girl. The look was of pure fury. "You would not kill I and lossse more of you're limited value." Her eyes gleamed as the girl vanished. Looking at Johnny, she did a swift 'Tres, dos, uno' before sweeping into the halls. The tip of her tail curled tightly about Johnny's leg, ankle to thigh, dragging him along behind her. "Do not be a fool, boy." She snapped at the cause of her current problem. "Else I [i]will[/i] eat you, and not your soul. Senor Ark or no." Tilting her head, she flickered her tongue searching for heat. Listening for sound. Feeling for vibrations. As she was a snake, her eyesight was not the best in the dark, though she was accustom to it. Rather she relied on her other sense. The smell, the heat, the feel. It wall fed into each other remarkably well. Sweeping the door open she snarled a curse at the girl child. She hated games, she hated the little children. The French boy was the only one she could stand for any amount of time. As the door went to shut on her tail, she yanked it through leaving Johnny to take the blow of the closing door. "I dissslike children. I would eat you, but that would caussse problemsss. Keep your temper and your mannerssss, nino." She hissed out venomously. [@FallenTrinity]