Jacob eagerly took the professor's hand as he was teleported up high with the Shawn guy in tow. "This is going to be soooo sweet!" Jacob thought as he rubbed his hands together quickly as he prepared to work his mutant magic. After a moment of prep, Jacob began spewing his silk from his mouth and engulfing Shawn's torso in the silk, making sure to avoid any exposed skin because while it probably rip his skin off, it would defiantly take fine hairs off the boy's skin should he decide to rip the silk off before it wears out on its own. Finally Jacob finished up stick Shawn to the rafters and gave a satisfied smile at his handiwork. He then noticed how high up he was and began to have a small breakdown. "Uhhh, can I get down now Mr.Wagner!" Jacob called to the professor as he clutched one of the beams on the rafters.