[CENTER][img]http://i1133.photobucket.com/albums/m599/dinollette/AO/776cc74b-f539-4200-a11a-3280155b1adf_zpsqfdndpsw.jpg[/img][/CENTER] Hey there! I'm planning on running a mission-based adventure RP. Expect influences from pieces such as Fairy Tail and Rave. However, don't expect grandiose levels of magic; magic here will be more supplementary if not some sort of trump card. Given that, a bit of creativity would be required from you parts when utilizing magic alon with whatever repertoire you equipped your character with. Also, even if I said that this would be mission-based, don't confuse it as being an RP that would solely focus on combat. Far from it. Aside from combat-based missions, you will also participate in hunting, retrieval, delivery, and exploration type quests to name a few. Aside from that, we'll stray from these missiosn from time to time to participate in arcs that would include everyone, to at least promote some camaraderie and interaction among the RPers. When creating characters, expect some elements of randomness to make things more quirky. Don't worry though, I won't go overboard. Anyway, if any of you are interested in what I have in store, feel free to comment down below. The more interest this gets, the more I'll flesh out the world we'll soon RP in. Can't wait to see this come to life. Speak up and let your thoughts be heard/read!