He knew things that he shouldn't. Xavier knew that Samantha was going to be a tough case, but one that he was sure Booker could help out. He didn't want to use that information on the girl, not when she herself hadn't even admitted to him yet. It would be a betrayal of trust, as he saw it. Xavier had already looked into her mind and seen everything she had seen, and relayed that all to Booker, but he felt that he was honestly better off not having that information. It would have been better for him to strive for it, rather than to say the right words and wait for her to tell him herself. "Your mutation is your suicide watch. The facility itself is your suicide watch." There was really no reason for him to state the obvious. Surely that was her theory, that her adaptation mutation kept her from dying, no matter how she tried. He had almost used her real name. He almost called her Samantha, but he bit his tongue just before it escaped his lips. "Rosemary. You know, the worst thing about Immortality, is that many people often confuse it with invincibility." Behind him, two small constructs of simple balls floated and spun around one another. "Even if you can't die, you can still be hurt, whether or not you intended for it to be so." He recalled a memory of his own past. He was quite lucky to have been born in a small town where Mutants were generally accepted. However, he had a few accidents of his own regarding the formation of his own powers. The two balls expanded and morphed into two figures. One, a younger version of Booker himself, back when he still went by the name Blake, and the other, a woman, about as old as Booker was now. The woman rose, higher and higher, until she suddenly fell. the young Blake reached out as far as he could, a smaller construct, connected to the little Blake by a line, formed just above the falling woman. Suddenly, she crashed into the ground below. "Sometimes, we are not in control of the world. Sometimes, we can't control what happens. Fate is simply out of our hands, sometimes we just can't save some people, no matter how hard we try. We'll blame ourselves, use that as leverage, a point to make ourselves stronger, to break us down and remind ourselves about how we're not worth it." He looked to Rosemary, the figures fading away into dust. "We all handle these things in different ways. Stress, grief, anger, denial." He wasn't sure if he should put his hand on her shoulder or not, so he stayed his hand and looked around once more. "What happened... The house, your father, everything. It wasn't your fault. They were out of your control, and if you'll let me impede a little more, I want you to talk to Miss Darkholme or the Professor about becoming an X-man. Some people don't have the ability that you have, some can't save themselves. You can see the sights of the world, talk to people who are where you are, hurting, have been hurt. You can let them know that they're not alone. You don't have to be alone here." He knew the old saying. If a leader doesn't believe in his own words, then why should his people? However, he knew of a few people who were so good at faking confidence and hope that their facade actually inspired others to better themselves. "There's so much beauty out there, past the gates of the School. So many great sights to see, wonderful food to eat, legendary tales to hear. There are also places who have faced much devastation, people who have lost everything, much like you have, thinking it's all over. They need someone who's been where they have been, they need someone like you." He turned on his heel. Even if they weren't in his office, he was going to be counting this as a therapy session. It was always good to get out every once and a while. He smiled, only wide enough for his lips to separate at the center. "You might not be invincible, Rosemary, but it takes a lot of strength to have made it this far. Mutation or not. You are talking to me, and it takes a strong person to get even this far in therapy. I can't tell you that everything is going to be okay, that a set of magic words are going to make life hunky-dory, because that isn't how life works. If it were, we'd have world peace already. But I can tell you that your life is one worth living." [hr] Kurt, upon hearing Jacob's call for help, teleported back up to the rafters and held onto the boy before teleporting him back to the ground. "Alright, Everyvon, it's time to get moving." He smiled and pressed his hands together. The majority of the class dispersed and hid. Tessa and Raven were both excellent teachers at hiding and evacuating, it seemed. Most of the class was hidden, gone without a trace but still watching the scene, unseen. "Peter, if you vuld?" Peter nodded and stood to grow once more. The plan was finally in action, and now he just needed to make an entrance for when Shawn would wake up. He took slow and careful steps to the door in the back of the room, waiting for his cue to walk in. "Nate!" Kurt smiled, calling to the boy to get ready, while the bamf himself took his place back on the rafters to wait until everyone was in position. Kurt smiled widely, holding no bars to keep himself from looking like an impish demon with that horrid grin on his face. This was going t be priceless, he just knew it.