Casey yawned, the noise emitted high-pitched and almost strained as her arms came above her head. Slowly she brought herself to sit up in her bunk, examining the computer on a movable wall stand, the screen had gone into standby. Still half dazed and sleepy she brought up the display, eyes widening slightly as she read the time, shaking her head lightly from side-to-side: annoyed with herself for sleeping in and wasting time. The majority of the Mission Specialists personal goals in research and study were in chemical compositions and study of lunar soil among other things. SpaceEX, the people who hired her and the science officers around EDEN also had specific missions for her, she had only been on EDEN six months now being among the last lucky few to gain a place living and working on the moon, pioneers, the first. There were always stories being thrown her way of how horrible it was up here by a couple of people she worked closely with who had been on the station a lot longer than her. It was all just teasing, she was mostly sure. Her ambition and work ethic had not gone unnoticed during her time here either, she browsed down along the assorted list of numerous files, scientific research, neatly and efficiently sorted for sake of convenience. A lot of this stuff was research from when she simply worked for SpaceEX back on Earth, she didn't like to delete any of her work. Taking her hands away from the computer to brush her messy bed hair out of her face and bring her nails down along her thighs and shins, scratching the mild itch. She hopped out of the bed, quickly got changed and tied up her hair so she looked somewhat presentable. After quickly washing her face she felt ready to face the day and made her way out of her habitat, laptop tucked under one arm preferring it to the tablets while she had one she kept it down in the research bloc. Casey was strolled through the corridors, tunnels and blocs of NE EDEN, making her way to the labs for experiments linked closely with her studies, she hadn't come across anyone until she heard footsteps and as she turned the corner saw someone who she thought she recognized in a hazardous materials suit. They apologized as he walked past and she suddenly recognized the voice, "Oh hi!" She uttered but wasn't sure if he had heard her as he seemed to be a bit hectic. She rubbed her eyes with her free hand, still feeling heavy and carried on her way. She had only talked to him on a few occasions, namely in passing but he seemed nice. Just as she came to LAB she ran into one of the science officers, she sighed and closed her eyes for a second, this guy knew how to get under someone's skin and Casey had gotten just a little bit of a creepy vibe off him which wasn't what bugged her about him but did't do any favor to his character. He stopped her to ask about studies, she politely stopped but hurried to get into the LAB and just work. Setting up her laptop on one of the free stands and and went to make herself coffee, this would be just what she needed. Once she had a cup she walked back over to the workstation and began to bring up files. A radio call distracted her, it was from Space EX officials back home so she left the coffee down to take it.