[center][h2][color=gold]S A I K O H I M E[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] While the convenience store run had gone without incident, Saikohime couldn't help but feel a little disturbed the whole time that she was filling a basket with instant ramen, potato chips and cola. [i]"Spirits? Ugh, now of all times?"[/i] she groaned mentally, frowning as she paid the cashier. While she didn't really care much for the opinions of other kami-type spirits, she really didn't feel like getting an earful about how a "noble mountain guardian" shouldn't be lowering herself to dining on mortal snack foods. Gathering her things, Saikohime noted the now very close proximity of the spiritual presence in the area, and promptly power-walked out of the konbini. However, as soon as she exited the place of business, she bumped into a dark-haired young man looming over another smoking a cigarette over some chalk drawings. The unexpected impact loosened the mountain spirit's hold on her spoils, sending them falling to the ground. And, while her snacks fell in such a way that they wouldn't fly out of the bags (though the cola might need to wait, to be sure), her eyes widened behind her sunglasses when Justice Succubus' box bounced off the concrete. Ignoring the two men, Saikohime picked up the box and inspected it, making sure nothing had been scratched or dented on its surface. Almost as if the gravity in the surrounding area had been kicked up a notch, the air became heavy as Saikohime spotted some scrapes on the corner where the box had hit the ground. [i]"This.... This is unaccpetab-"[/i] her thoughts, full of despair, were interrupted when she realized that the spiritual presence she'd sensed was [i]right in front of her[/i]. At the drop of a hat, the pressure in the air was relieved and Saikohime smiled as best as she could. "Oh-ho~. Sorry about that, pal. Well, noharmndonegottago." she rattled off before turning on a heel and once again powerwalking away, hoping that the two men weren't going to try and confront her. About the collision, or the figure, it didn't really matter. [@EnterTheHero] [@cuttlefisk]