Eclisse stood by in silence as each member of this little meeting introduced themselves. In all honesty, she was expecting a diverse group of warriors, but nothing this diverse, the manaketes were definitely a surprise to her. The outlaw however, made Eclisse very cautious, she had her fair share of bandits and rogues and none of them were particularly friendly, so you could say her suspicions were justified, but only time would tell if she will come to trust this outlaw. After everyone else had introduced themselves it seemed that it was Eclisse's turn to introduce herself. She wasn't nervous in the slightest, this could be their very own little mercenary group. She hefted her blade, Blackfang, onto her shoulder and proceeded to introduce herself. [color=E6E6FA]"You may call me Eclisse, I'm a mercenary from Archanea, though thanks to my profession I've been to many other kingdoms besides my own. You have my blade, if the pay is good."[/color]