Senshi wasn't paying the greatest attention to what was going on around him, he was busy sorting through all of the medicinal ingredients he had brought with him. Muttering to himself as he sorted them into groups, "Rose petals go in with the poison cures, nightshade with the poisons, daisy stems go with the healing potions, and finally juniper go into the poison cure." He finished sorting to see what he assumed was the group he had been drafted to. He thought back to last week when he had just got a decent lead on the bandits who killed his family and ruined his town but before he could head off after them soldiers came into town and drafted a few of the townsfolk into a militia, and he happened to get caught up in it, he came back to reality after a lady with an odd looking sword introduced herself. Senshi stood up and bowed, [color=f6989d]"Oh, right we are doing introductions, well my name is Senshi. I'm an apothecary from Magi Val, I know how to make potions and use a bow. I would really like to not be in the front lines." [/color] He sat back down and thought to himself,[color=f49ac2] "My this is a rather motley crew I've been drafted to. We have a maid, an outlaw, a wyvern rider, two manaketes, and prince and princess from two different countries. And there was the tactician and the one who just introduced herself. Sheesh, Senshi what have you gotten yourself into?"[/color]