Geraint was wonderfuly vague in his description of his talents, which caused Keris to roll her eyes. [color=f6989d][i]Still the mysterious cliche, huh... Although with a damn tiger at his command, I'd wager he's a druid. Meanwhile pipe-man is more of a fightery type, likely either archery or light-fighter. Well, this could be... interesting. Gods I hope I don't die down there. That'd just suck.[/i][/color] With nothing more than a shrug, the red-haired spellthief ventured into the ruins. [color=f6989d]"Let's get this thing started. The longer we wait, the longer it takes to be done with this job..."[/color] She kept her eyes open for traps, hoping not to find any... ([url=]searching for traps = 25 [/url]. Also Keris will light a torch if it starts getting dark in the ruins, which I suspect will be very soon.)