Okay, so... I have this character that I created for a vampire group rp and barely got to use. It's like everytime I try to use him in a rp, the rp dies before I can even post. xD So I was wondering if someone would want to play with him, but I'm not very passionate about 1x1, so I had this idea. There will be two options for it: * [u]1x1x1[/u] You know, like 1x1 but with three people. :3 This option is MxMxM only and comes with a few rules: > I need two players, seme/top/dominant type. One would be playing a powerful vampire and the other a human. > Since it can happen that at certain moments one of the players might not have anyone to interact with, creating other side characters and pairings will be encouraged. * [u]Group rp[/u] I know the dynamic of this idea is much more fit for a group rp, specially if I want a complex story that goes beyond the romance, so another option would be creating and moderating a group rp myself. In this case, the story won't be MxM exclusive and other players and characters would be welcome. Still, before creating the group, I still need to find someone to take the mentioned roles. Creating a rp and being the only one in the group not having fun has already happened to me many times, so this time there's no group without some sexy guys. C; That's all. So now tell me if you're interested! >w< Extra info: [hider=The setting/story] The story is very open and I'm leaving it up to the players' choice. The original setting was one of those vampire society rps, with several vampire factions fighting for dominance and territory while humans remain unaware. The story can take place in a modern or historical setting, I don't As for my character in particular, he's a seductive, sadistic and cruel boy trying to raise his status in the vampire hierarchy. As the story progresses, it could be that he goes down the dark path with an equally sadistic vampire noble or that he's redeemed by the human character. I don't want this to sound like a cliché love triangle with my character in the middle, so I don't particularly mind if your character doesn't have a true romantic interest in him or has a relationship with someone else. [/hider] [hider=My character] [center] [img]https://s18.postimg.org/to6ljfueh/IMG_2971.jpg[/img] [b]• Name:[/b] Laurent de Liberté [b]• Age:[/b] 369 [b]• Sex:[/b] ♂ [b] •Sexual Preference:[/b] Men [b]Vampire[/b]/Human/Slayer Pure Blood/Aristocrat/[b]Turned[/b] [b]• Personality:[/b] Cold / Detached / Seductive / Ambitious / Prideful / Deceiving [b]• Biography:[/b] Of french origin and british education, Marquis Laurent de Liberté was raised to succeed his father at the Court of Louis XIV. Far from being exceptionally literate or hardworking, young Laurent found his key to success in a much more mundane gift; his physical appeal. Alluring glossy lips and blue eyes cold as ice, covered by platinum blonde locks of silk adorning an angel-like face, well shaped like his body, slim but not feminine. He was a favorite at the Court and he never hesitated to use his charm to make his way up in the complicated political hierarchy of the Renaissance. It was on a stormy night that fate wanted to put an end to his luck; after spending hours courting some fine gentleman, the man grabbed him by his wrist and dragged him out the palace. Laurent tried to break free, but the strength of the man was extraordinary. The boy got cornered in a dark alleyway, looking at his captor in the eyes. The man was like an animal. He seemed driven by an instinct much stronger than his own will, as if Laurent has woken up on him a desire for a long time asleep. He ripped his clothes with his fangs and sliced his throat, blood splattering the wall behind them. The boy tried to fight back, uselessly. The man, or rather, the beast, fed on him until his heart almost stopped beating. This was the end, Laurent thought. But the boy would die without fighting back. He bit the hand of his aggressor trying to free himself. He could taste the man's blood. It filled his mouth and dripped from his lips. That was the first time he ever tasted blood, though he didn't know then that it wouldn't be the last. The vampire left, leaving the boy there, thinking that he would be too weak to convert, that he would die from blood loss. Laurent fainted then, but when he woke up a few days later he knew he had lost his humanity. He had become a beautiful monster. An alluring, bloodthirsty and lustful monster like the one who attacked him that fateful night. Following his new instincts, he left his home in France and travelled looking for others of his own kind. Far from being scared, he embraced his new nature. His heightened senses, his sinful appeal; now he could fulfill all his ambition. For once in his life, he was eager to learn. He wanted to become an elite and rule over the lowly humans as the superior creature he was now. [b]• Extra:[/b] ✧ As a descendant of human nobility, he doesn't accept the 'foreign' vampiric hierarchy and often challenges their authority. He still sees himself as a Lord. ✧ He's picky with food and refuses the blood donators. A prey isn't a prey if you can't seduce and kill it. [/center] [/hider] * The character can, of course, be changed and edited based on my partners' preferences or the general idea of the story.