What do you like best about the school? The attention. What is it called? Seems like it should be a joint decision if we're all in the same school. How are you getting along with others? Everyone knows that she's weird and everyone is quite confused on what to call her. But despite that (with a lot of help from the pheromone power), she is quickly gaining popularity in the school as the favorite foreign exchange student. This probably also makes her a potential target from anyone else that would like to keep their spot at the top. For the extra teenaged drama, of course. Where do you go at the close of school? Riley often tries to leverage her loose friendships with people at school to sleep anywhere but 'home', home in this case being the shed of Shannon's back yard. On days where she can't squat somewhere else and gets sick of the shed, she'll likely spend the night at the bottom of a local lake. [hider=System Decisions] Real Name: Riley Müller Hero Name: ~~~ Natural Looks: Ambiguous, strange body (aquatic), glowing eyes. Shapeshifting Looks: Shifting, human body, vivid eyes, flashy clothing, her people's school uniform. Abilities: Toughness and flight. Radical Shapeshifting and Pheromones. Combining these should allow for varying types of pheromones. Team Moves When you share a triumphant celebration with someone, take Influence over them if you show them meaningful affection, physical or emotional. They decide if it's meaningful. When you share a vulnerability or weakness with someone, they tell you what you should do to fit in more. Take +1 forward to do it, and mark potential if you do. Outsider Moves The Best of Them: When you comfort or support someone by telling them how they exemplify the best parts of Earth, roll Freak instead of Mundane. Alien Ways: Whenever you openly disregard or undermine and important Earth custom in favor of one of your own people's customs, shift Superior up and any other Label down. Kirby-Craft: You have a vehicle, something from your home. Detail its look, and choose two strengths and two weaknesses. When you are flying your ship, you can use it to unleash your powers, directly engage a threat, or defend someone using Superior. Strengths: Size-shifting, telepathic. Weaknesses: Unarmed, difficult to repair. Look: Instead of a ship, the vehicle is a flying suit that shifts and contorts to the body much like Riley's own body does. As such, it is easily capable of drastically shifting in size as well. Labels Freak +2 Danger -1 Savior +0 Superior +2 Mundane +0 Backstory Where do you come from? Rogue planet in a neighboring galaxy with undersea culture. Why did you come to Earth? Intergalactic class field trip. Why do you want to stay here (for now at least)? ~~~ Why do your people want you to come home? Because she skipped out during the field trip to stay on Earth. Why do you care about the team? ~~~ [/hider] Sorry that some parts are missing, I still haven't decided what kind of persona I'd like to invoke with this character so some flavor choices like hero name or explaining why she cares will be hard to do right now.