[center][h3][color=39b54a]Nyx[/color][/h3] [h2]Silence the ultimate torture[/h2][/center] Nyx looked at all the people and shakes her head. She knew fully well most of them have not experienced fear like she had. Most of them would only have heard stories of the Gaia war while she had experienced it firsthand. Anyway, she didnt know who to trust. The only person she felt she could trust would be the other Manakete or the bow knight. Though she was sort of scared of the Mercenary known as Eclisse. Even though she was pretty. The other people she didnt feel like she could trust but she wasnt scared of them. Though she still felt the theif was untrustworthy. She looked to the tactician and notices him taking notes. She approaches slowly and peeks over the tactician’s shoulder. She notices what he had written about her and shakes her head slowly. He had misunderstood her quite a bit. She was no powerhouse and she had no experience in battles as far as she knows. [hider=Mentions][@Melkor][@Fairess][@Polaris North][@Fubsy][@Lady Athena][@Nanashi Ninanai][@Snarfulblast][@Darkmoon Angel][/hider]