I'm far from finished, but I'll keep working on it. Just figure I'd put it down so I don't lose what little I do have. [hider=The Great and Venerable City of Orglas] [center] [h2]The Great and Venerable City of Orglas[/h2] [b]Faction Type:[/b] Oasis City-State [b]Capital:[/b] Orglas [b]Holdings:[/b] As befitting its status as a city-state, the only major settlement controlled by Orglas is, of course, Orglas itself. That is not, however, to say that its control does not extend outside the city walls. There are a variety of small towns and villages scattered along the coast that are legally ruled by Orglas. Though in truth the relationship is mostly one of self-governance with them paying a tribute of food to Orglas itself in return for protection. [img]http://i.imgur.com/3wf6XEU.png[/img] [b]Flag/Banner:[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/AJbA38n.png[/img] [b]Leader(s):[/b] Ylli Vehma, Prefect of the Venerable City and Patriarch of the Vehma Family [b]Persons of Importance:[/b] Eudokia Thalass, Mistress of the Peerless Fleet Eudoxia Thalass, Mistress of the Illustrious Legions Boyan Naoph, Hierophant Decebal, Imperator [b]Racial Demographics and Population:[/b] TBD [b]Culture and Religion:[/b] Orglas itself had been a democracy since its birth centuries ago, and the citizens are of a staunchly republican bent. One of the most important institutions in Orglas is that of citizenship, as they are the only ones allowed to vote and thus influence the political course of the city. Any adult who was born in Orglas itself is allowed citizenship, and there are even routes for those born and raised elsewhere to becoming citizens though it is exceptionally difficult to do so. But despite the importance of citizenship, there is another institution that some could claim to be even more important to the city: slavery. There are a great numbers of slaves and indentured servants within Orglas, and to the people of Orglas this is the norm. Slavery has existed as an institution for centuries and the vast majority of the people see t as simply another fact of life. However the vast majority of individuals do not own slaves thanks to the cost; slaves are the domain of the rich, the state, and the temple. However, despite being considered property Orglas law still considered slaves people and as such there are a number of laws in place protecting them. The abuse or murder of slaves is forbidden by law, and can result in hefty fines, imprisonment, or even the freeing of the slaves in question. However, despite the city's status as a republic the city is the domain of the rich and powerful. Throughout its history there have been a few elected officials from humble origins, but the vast majority have been those with the wealth to actually run for election. It is not uncommon for elections to involve transfers of wealth and promises of prestigious titles, though most would balk at the notion of it being 'bribery'. And there are a great number of titles with absolutely no political power, as the elite of Orglas take pride in fanciful and prestigious titles that they have in no way truly earned and mean absolutely nothing. Religion in Orglas is an important institution, at least among the vast majority of the population who are members of the Temple. The Temple is shorthand for the Temple of the One, which is the official organization of the Faith of the One. The Faith is a monotheistic faith that originated centuries ago with the founding of Orglas in its current form. Their core beliefs are of submission to their God, the One, as mandated by his Only Prophet Krismon. The Temple teaches of the importance of such virtues as Humility, Charity, and Temperance. However, there is a notable disconnect between the laypeople of the Temple and the actual clergy. Much of the clergy lives the austere lives of monks, whereas the people of Orglas are almost infamous for living their lives as decadently as they can afford. [b]History:[/b] TBD [b]Military:[/b] TBD [b]Other:[/b] TBD [/center] [/hider]