Why not, I feel like trying my hand at a girl. Name: Necro girl (again, name them whatever you like) Age: has to be a teen Gender: Necro [b]GIRL[/b] Sexual orientation: Likes people who are afraid or yell a lot. As long as they show a lot of raw emotion, downstairs plumbing doesn't matter. Personality: A bratty, pretty kid that earned the title "necro girl" because she's constantly "killing" other students by pointing at them before "adding them to her undead army." Despite her annoying brattyness, she's actually amassed a following of zombies that will do her bidding, from helping her cheat on tests to bringing her new prey to "kill and convert." (in case it wasn't obvious, she's not killing them, just playing a stupid game) She has a pretty good nice girl act going on. She likes bible studies and church fundraisers. Few people outside the school suspect her of being the tyrantical NECRO GIRL!!!!!! (honestly, most people find her reign cute and hard to take seriously) Backstory: She came to the school to get away from the goody two-shoes at the church, despite the fact that she kinda likes those people. As the story progresses, it's revealed that Necro girl actually had a tragic death in the family that lead her to to practice her necromancy, which is just a coping mechanism to deal with the shock of their death. Didn't expect something that dark, did you?