[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/AuXS4MF.jpg[/img] [h1][color=steelblue]Fallout: Brothers to the End[/color][/h1] [hr] [i]The year is 2296. Following a successful campaign in The Commonwealth, the East Coast Brotherhood of Steel enters a golden age of growth. With their victory over the institute bringing in an influx of both technology and new recruits, The East Coast Brotherhood easily uses this momentum to grow and secure new bases, including Philadelphia and New York City. The Brotherhood has succeeded in clearing a swath the eastern states of monsters and mutants, and bringing a sense of safety to the eastern region. While crime and the typical troubles of the post-apocalypse still plague the denizens of the east coast, the settlers and survivors of the East Coast are content in that they are mostly safe from raiders and monsters, and join the Brotherhood in droves, young men and women eager to bring a sense of security to their little quasi-state. Despite the influx of volunteers, the Brotherhood remains an exclusive and detached force. The Brotherhood makes no attempts to govern the safe haven they have carved out from themselves, instead, providing settlements with security and safety from raiders in return for tithes food, salvage and supplies from their fortresses in the major cities of the East. The Brotherhood, while more open than ever before to outsiders, remains very selective in their recruitment of soldiers, and only members of the brotherhood, or the particularly gifted are granted the full rights of the Brotherhood and the benefits that come with it, leaving the rest of its recruits as auxiliaries and support units. Still, with its massive stores of technology and resources, and the manpower of the populace, the Brotherhood has built themselves a military force to be reckoned with, and has even established manufacturing capabilities in key locations. December of 2296, The East Coast Brotherhood has miraculously made contact with their long lost comrades of the Midwestern Brotherhood. The reunion is far from sweet however, and the Midwest Brotherhood's message is an urgent plea for help, under siege by mutants, raiders, monsters, and machines alike. The East Coast Brotherhood, while cautious at the sudden contact of their brother chapter, cannot just idly stand by and let them die, and one of the Brotherhood's newly built armadas are deployed to rescue their beleaguered allies, and bring order to the Midwest.[/i] [hr][color=lightblue] Hello everyone! Welcome to the interest check for "Fallout: Brothers to the End"! This particular RP will follows the adventures of a group of men and women from the newly built BoS Airship, the Durandal. I will be accepting up to four players, so this is not first come first served. This RP will combine military tactics and doctrine with the hazards of a post-apocalypse. We the players will play the role of the men and women of the Durandal, as they attempt to rescue their brother chapter from unknown enemies. Or story will be dramatic and tense as we attempt to prevail over insurmountable odds. Our characters will face daunting challenges, testing their wit and willpower, as well as their morals as they are pushed to their absolute limits. I'd like to stress that I am not a master of fallout lore, and there are likely many areas in which you may or may not be more knowledgeable than myself. This particular RP takes on a fictional/non-canonical script in which the Brotherhood is successful in cleansing the Commonwealth of the Institute in Fallout 4 and proceeds to make a base for themselves on the East Coast. [/color] [/center] [hr] [h2][u]Technology and Terminology[/u][/h2] [hider=The Brotherhood of Steel] The Brotherhood of Steel is a quasi-religious technological organization operating across the ruins of post-war North America, with its roots stemming from the United States Armed Forces and the government-sponsored scientific community from before the Great War.[sub]- Courtesy of Fallout Wikia[/sub] They act very much like a knightly order, and have a reverence for technology. While in this iteration, they are not quite as aloof, the Brotherhood is traditionally very isolationist and avoids contact with the outside world. In this iteration, while they are more open to outsiders, they will retain their sense of aloofness and even a form of elitism, where Brotherhood-borne members are often viewed more favorably than outsiders. For the most part, only Brotherhood-borne members are granted the rank of Knight and allowed to wear power armor, whilst Outsiders take on a concept similar to medieval men-at-arms, in which they fight alongside the knights, but have no 'noble' status of their own. These men-at-arms, while occasionally equipped with power armor, are generally withheld the Brotherhood's advanced technology unless they're proven themselves. [h3]Brotherhood of Steel Rank Structure[/h3] The Brotherhood of Steel is broken up into 3 major rank structures, Knights, Scribes, and Men-At-Arms. The Knights and Men-At-Arms are the military arm of the Brotherhood of Steel, while the Scribes are the civilian, research and support branch of the Brotherhood. All prospective members, be they Brotherhood-borne or Outsiders begin their tenure with the Brotherhood as Initiates as they focus in on their respective branch. Upon proving themselves, they are then promoted into their prospective specializations as full members of the Brotherhood of Steel. [Hider=Brotherhood Scribes] [img]http://i.imgur.com/xJQWI6y.jpg[/img] Brotherhood Scribes are responsible for investigating and reverse-engineering the ancient technologies, maintaining the current technology of the Brotherhood and even experimenting with new weapons and other useful devices. Scribes rarely leave the safety of the Brotherhood's bunkers and outposts, but they are sometimes called into the field to examine a piece of technology or perform a task beyond the skills of the Brotherhood's soldiers. Scribes are tasked with creating and keeping records of the technology used by the Brotherhood. The attitude of many scribes in the Brotherhood can be described as techno-centric. While a great number study history and culture, the majority of scribes focus their studies on subjects related to the acquisition, repair, or creation of technology. Scribes are the least combat-savvy of the three branches, but are still trained in basic combat techniques, and are equipped with combat armor and light weapons while in the field. [h3]Ranks[/h3][list] [*][b]Journeyman Scribe[/b] - Journeyman scribes are scribes-in-training. They are often taken in by one of the senior scribes where they are then taught to be full scribes. [*][b]Scribe[/b] - the mainstay rank of the Scribe Branch. They do mid-level work, and are the rank most commonly sent into the field. [*][b]Senior Scribe[/b] - The most advanced scribes. They are always chosen for the most important projects and are the next in line to become proctors of orders when the old proctor retires or dies. [*][b]High Scribes[/b] - The high scribes are the proctors of the Orders. There are three high scribes: one of the Sword, Shield and Quill. They oversee and approve of each project that the scribes in their order are working on and assign the proper scribes to the right projects. [*][b]Head Scribe[/b] - The head scribe is the highest ranking civilian class of the Brotherhood of Steel. The head scribe is responsible for choosing which scribes work on which project and which scribes should be assigned to each order. [/list] [/hider] [hider=Brotherhood Knights] [img]http://i.imgur.com/g3Rnblz.jpg[/img] Brotherhood Knights are responsible for manufacturing the weapons and other pieces of technology used by the Brotherhood, however, their primary purpose is to take part in combat activities. Knights are the comparable to the 'Officer' caste of the Brotherhood of Steel. Equipped with the best arms and armor available, the Knights are competent and durable combat units capable of taking on powerful enemies with their power armor and energy weapons. The majority of the Brotherhood of Steel's power armor users are in the Knights Branch. In the field, a Knight's primary duties are to conduct conventional combat and protect their less well equipped comrades. After many years of service and experience, the best Knights are promoted to Paladins - the pinnacle rank of the Brotherhood military. Brotherhood of Steel Knights are almost exclusively composed of members with direct blood ties to the original Brotherhood of Steel members- of Brotherhood-borne. Very few wastelanders or outside recruits are accepted into the Brotherhood as Knights. [h3]Ranks[/h3][list] [*][b]K-1 Junior Knight[/b] - The lowest ranking Knight, these Knights are most often the ones that forge and maintain the weapons and armor of the Brotherhood. In the field, they often serve under more senior Knights in strike teams. [*][b]K-2 Knight[/b] - The mainstay rank of the Knight Branch, these Knights are the most numerous rank in the Brotherhood, and oversee groups of subordinates in forging and maintaining weapons, or facilitating the trade of them. In the field, they often serve under more senior Knights, but can rarely be given their own command or deployed on their own. [*][b]K-3 Senior Knight[/b] - Senior knights are knights which show promise to move up to be paladins, knight commanders or knight captains. They are very well respected among the other knights, and are often among the most talented engineers and mechanics in the Brotherhood. The especially gifted Mechanics are moved to a specialized sub-class of Knights. In the field, these talented warriors are often given their own command, or secondary command of a larger group.[list] [*][b]W-1,2,3 Lancer[/b] - The most talented mechanics and engineers are often retasked into the Brotherhood of Steel's growing Lancer Corps. These men and women make up the pilots and drivers of the Brotherhood of Steel. Dressed in their trademark leather bomber jackets, these Lancers pilot the Brotherhood's Vertibirds and Airships. Ranks of Lancer include Junior Lancer, Lancer, and Senior Lancer [/list] [*][b]K-4 Knight Sergeant[/b] - At this rank, much of the base work shifts from hands-on-work, to management. In the field, Knight Sergeant's will take command of a squad or two of knights and auxiliaries. [*][b]K-5 Knight Captain[/b] - Knight Captains can be seen holding staff jobs as well as command positions, like Sergeants, at this rank, much of the base work shifts to high-level management. Knight Captains can be equated to Platoon Leaders, being given command of approximately 4 squads of soldiers as well as the command of a small base or outpost.. Brotherhood Knight Captains are often the highest ranking Knights on the field. [*][b]K-6 Knight Commander[/b] - Knight Commanders are high level officers that rarely take the field. Knight Commanders are often seen at the head of bases or outpost, and coordinate actions of their subordinate Knight units. Knight Commanders can be equated to Company Commanders, and often control up to 4 platoons. [*][b]K-7 Head Knight[/b] - The highest ranking Knights in the Brotherhood of Steel, the Head Knights serve as the Brotherhood of Steel's Generals. Answering directly to the Elders, only the Paladin Commander may override their authority. [hr] [*][b]K-5/P-1 Paladin[/b] - The Paladin is a prestigious rank among the Brotherhood of Steel. Pulled from the most promising of Knights, the Paladins are regarded as the protectors of the Brotherhood, fighting and protecting its interests across the wasteland, equipped with power armor and an array of lethal weapons- denoted by their black power armor and red stripe on the armor's left forearm. While Paladins hold the authority of Knight Captains, and often more respect, they will often forgo their command in order to operate in specialized, elite task forces. [*][b]K-6/P-2 Senior Paladin[/b] - Senior Paladins operate very much like the Paladin, but will often command strike forces composed of Paladins to devastating effect on their foes. They are denoted by their black power armor and the second red stripe on the armor's left forearm. [*][b]K-7/P-3 Paladin Commander[/b] - The highest ranking Paladins in the Brotherhood, the Paladin Commanders answer directly to the Elders, and they are the only men capable of overriding the authority of Head Knights- only when it comes to other Paladins. To say a Paladin Commander is the equivalent to a General is incorrect. Rather, the Paladin Commanders are more equatable to commanders of Special Operations units. They are denoted by their black power armor with two red stripes and a sigil on their left forearm. [/list] [/hider] [hider=Brotherhood Men-At-Arms] [img]http://i.imgur.com/LNoMfkg.jpg[/img] With the burgeoning number of men and women joining the Brotherhood of Steel, The Brotherhood found that they couldn't hope to equip everyone they joined with power armor, nor did they believe everyone who joined deserved power armor. Creating the Men-At-Arms Branch, the Brotherhood began limiting the men and women who could wear power armor to those that were more 'deserving', being those that were born and bred with the Brotherhood's ideals. The others would be held off as auxiliaries until they proved themselves worthy of the Brotherhood's best equipment. Serving as the infantry caste, the Brotherhood Men-at-arms serve as footmen, scouts, snipers, as well as other specialist roles that power armor would otherwise make unpractical. The arrogant Knight believes his men-at-arms to be expendable grunts, but the wise Knight utilizes his men-at-arms' strengths to bolster his own. Men-At-Arms are armed with basic weaponry, alongside with whatever else they brought with them or find on their journey, and are equipped with armor and uniform similar to field scribes- though often without as many pockets. [h3]Ranks[/h3][list] [*][b]E-1 Squire[/b] - The basic class of men-at-arms. Squires are often the youngest, and least experienced men-at-arms. Their duties consist of essentially whatever their commander tells them to do, from maintaining armor to scrubbing latrines. On the field, the squire serves as the basic footman, often equipped with a simple rifle, and basic combat armor. [*][b]E-2 Specialist[/b] - As Squires gain more experience, they are often put into specialized roles based on what their commanders believe fit them or want them to fit. There are a variety of specialist roles, including: [list] [*]Sniper [*]Trapper/Sapper [*]Rifleman [*]Assaulteer [*]Reconnaissance [*]Combat Medic [/list] [*][b]E-3 Sergeant[/b] - Some of the most experienced members of the caste- often times more experienced than younger knights, the Sergeant maintains discipline amongst the other men-at-arms, and can be a Knight's best asset, or worst nightmare. Sergeants will occasionally lead other men-at-arms when granted the authority by their commanding knight, but for the most part serve a subordinate role to knights. [*][b]E-4/K-1 Journeyman Knight[/b] - The most distinguished men-at-arms are declared worthy of the Brotherhood of Steel's respect, and are awarded the rank of Journeyman Knight. The highest rank attainable by a man-at-arms, the Journeyman Knight is afforded the same equipment as Brotherhood Knights, and can even be given his own command. While occasionally looked down upon by other Knights, the Journeyman Knight is often well respected by other men-at-arms.[/list][/hider][/hider] [hider=Technology][img]http://i.imgur.com/Kyb5COT.jpg[/img] The Brotherhood makes use of a variety of weapons and armor, and due to its size, many men are often responsible for arming themselves. However, the Brotherhood does provide a list of standard equipment for its men and women on the field. [hider=Ballistic and Melee Weapons] The Brotherhood uses a variety of ballistic weapons. Most of the Brotherhood's ballistic weapons are a cut higher than those found in the wasteland, many being manufactured in house by Brotherhood Knights, but many weapons are whatever the soldier picks up while out on the field. Some notable examples of Brotherhood weapons are assault rifles and bolt action rifles., a variety of shotguns, semi-automatic, pump, and brake-action. Melee weapons are very much like ballistic weapons, the Brotherhood manufactures standard combat knives and tomahawks, but many soldiers will pick up or create weapons from material in the field- if its sharp enough, or heavy enough, it can be a weapon. [/hider] [hider=Energy Weapons][img]http://i.imgur.com/I0cFN65.jpg[/img] From the rugged and reliable AER9 to the finicky but pinpoint accurate Wattz 2000, energy weapons are the bread and butter of the Brotherhood arsenal. Brotherhood laser weapons are deadly and accurate, and require no reloading- most microfusion cells are capable of powering a weapon for almost 500 shots before needing to be recharged. Energy weapons are tightly restricted, even amongst Brotherhood ranks, and are only given out to Knights, few scribes and distinguished men-at-arms. [/hider] [hider=Armor][img]http://i.imgur.com/op0JUUV.jpg[/img] The men-at-arms and scribes of the brotherhood wear a set of plated kevlar armor vests over thick sweaters and sturdily woven pants. This defends them from the most common threats of the wasteland. The signature of the Brotherhood of Steel are their T-60 Power Armor sets. Encased in these suits of steel alloy, the user is for the most part protected from small arms fire, though the armor has some weaknesses. Powered by fusion cores, these suits are capable of powering themselves almost infinitely. Power armor requires specialized undersuits to operate properly, and also protect their users from environmental hazards with an inbuilt oxygen supply. Power Armor helmets have headlamps attached, and have communications equipment built into the helmet to allow for both external communication as well as short range radio communication.[/hider] [/hider] [hr] [center][h2]Character Sheets[/h2][/center] [h3]Player Roles[/h3] I am a personal fan of smaller scale RPs, as such, I will only be accepting 4-5 other players to join me in this adventure. While you are free to make your character however you like, acceptance to this RP will be judged by me, and is not on a first come, first served basis. While not necessary, there are several roles I would like to see filled: [LIST] [*][COLOR=#99ccff][B]The Veteran[/B][/COLOR] - This player would play as a war scarred, veteran Man at Arms or Knight. [*][COLOR=#99ccff][B]The FNG (The Fucking New Guy)[/B][/COLOR] - This player would either be a green as grass man-at-arms recently brought into the fold, or a rookie Knight eager to prove his worth. [*][COLOR=#99ccff][B]The Scribe[/B][/COLOR][B] - [/B]This player due to his position will be privvy to plot relevant information before the other players. The squad's scribe will be more than just the squad's support unit, but also a driving force. [/LIST] [hider=Character Dossier] [COLOR=#99ccff][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Digital Art Image and/or description [COLOR=#99ccff][b]Name:[/b][/color] Last, First [COLOR=#99ccff][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male/Female [COLOR=#99ccff][b]Age:[/b][/color] character age, less experienced/younger soldiers are generally lower rank [COLOR=#99ccff][b]Rank:[/b][/color] Branch and rank [COLOR=#99ccff][b]Specialization:[/b][/color] Role within the squad (For men-at-arms) [COLOR=#99ccff][b]Psychological Analysis:[/b][/color] Fancy way of saying personality. Get me a good picture of your character and how he interacts/works with others. Keep in mind that your character is part of a team that has been together for a while- at most, only one person should be a "new guy", so even if your character is "the edgy quiet type", the should be able to work with others. Arguably the most important part of the CS. [COLOR=#99ccff][b]Background:[/b][/color] Give me a good picture of your character, how s/he came up, why they joined the military, and/or where they picked up some of their specialty skills. [COLOR=#99ccff][b]Equipment:[/b][/color] What gear your character carries on his or her person. You should separate this into a list or individually described items. There is no explicit limit to the amount of equipment, weapons and what kind you can carry, but keep it true to character- If your character is a young man-at-arms with no battles behind his back, he should not be in power armor with a laser rifle. [/hider] [hider=Copy Pastable Version][noparse] [COLOR=#99ccff][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Digital Art Image and/or description [COLOR=#99ccff][b]Name:[/b][/color] Last, First [COLOR=#99ccff][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male/Female [COLOR=#99ccff][b]Age:[/b][/color] Age [COLOR=#99ccff][b]Rank:[/b][/color] rank [COLOR=#99ccff][b]Specialization:[/b][/color] specialty [COLOR=#99ccff][b]Psychological Analysis:[/b][/color]personality. [COLOR=#99ccff][b]Background:[/b][/color] background. [COLOR=#99ccff][b]Loadout:[/b][/color] What gear your character carries on his or her person. [/noparse][/hider]