Fran patted the boy's head. [color=a187be]"Now Olivier, calm down. Take shallow breaths alright?"[/color] she said while reaching for the oxygen mask. Her eye had seen the broken rib and punctured lung. She would have to open him up to try and fix the damage. She stuck him with another needle of pain killers and a numbing agent for his chest. She murmured gently to him as she sliced an opening in his side and reached in, watching with her eye as her fingers quickly set rib back in place. Pulling out her bloody hand, she immediately grabbed an empty syringe and stuck it deep into his chest, reinflating his lung. She caressed his forehead, knowing he was in agonizing pain. [color=a187be]"Poor boy... poor poor boy... I did it as fast as I could. Stay still now. Try not to move too much. You're going to stay with me for a while,"[/color] she said and began bandaging him up. A dark presence made her nearly drop the bandage. She turned to see D. Ark standing there. She frowned at him. [color=a187be]"What happened to Olivier? How could you have let this happen? Do you not see how very badly hurt he is? You promised before that-"[/color] [color=00a651]"Quiet!"[/color] D. Ark snarled and Fran immediately realized her mistake and looked down, her hands shaking. Never bring up the incident... Never bring up the incident... Never remind him of the incident... A hand on her chin made her flinch. D. Ark lifted her face to his and smiled. [color=00a651]"I don't know how poor Blink got hurt, but we will work to make sure it doesn't happen anymore. And remember Francine..."[/color] he said, making her tremble as he called her by her full name, a sign he was threatening her. He brought his face close to hers, his lips a breath away from hers. [color=00a651]"... I can take just as easily as I can give,"[/color] he said in a dangerous tone, pressing her mouth to hers in a forceful kiss. It was a gesture devoid of feeling, merely a statement of the fact that he owned her. Just as he owned everyone else in the circus. Pulling back, his demeanor returned to normal and he smiled at both her and the boy. [color=00a651]"Make sure Blink is taken care of properly. Spare nothing to make him as comfortable and pain-free as possible. Blink, we will discuss your carelessness later."[/color] After he left, taking the dark aura with him, Fran shuddered a few times before turning back to Olivier with a forced cheerful smile. [color=a187be]"Now where did I leave those lollipops? Oh yes! Here!"[/color] she said, holding up a finger bone with an eye stuck to the end, both belonging to the nearly dead man on the table behind them. She stood beside Blink's bed, lightly patting the boy's arm and smoothing the hair out of his face. [color=a187be]"You are going to be okay Olivier. You are such a strong boy. But please promise me you'll be more careful, alright?"[/color]