[hider= Cassie 'Case' May] Name: Cassie 'Case' May Appearance:[img]http://orig06.deviantart.net/1ad0/f/2016/070/5/c/fallout_oc_by_gibilynx-d9uqtj0.jpg[/img] Age:28 Personality:Crass, rude, loyal to the highest cap, self serving Apparel/Armor: -Standard combat armor chest, legs and arms http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_4_armor_and_clothing?file=FO4-nate-combat.jpg -Army fatigues http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Army_fatigues -Trail Duster Weapon(s): - Hardened automatic reciver handmade rifle, with glow-sights and a drum mag http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Handmade_rifle - Deliverer styled hair trigger silenced 10mm pistol http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Deliverer - Combat knife - Three fragmentation grenades Settlement Occupation/Contribution: Gun for hire/occasional raider Biography: Cassie wasn't born in the Common Wealth but instead the Capital Wasteland, born inside the Citadel her mother a scribe and father a knight in the Brotherhood Of Steel; irregardless of their best efforts Cassie was a wild child with an unbreakable desire for trouble. Still they trained her along with the other cadets and children born in the citadel starting at fifteen accompanying squads against the mutants, when she turned seventeen however she decided she had enough of the BoS and their restrictive as she called them hard ass tendencies. So she left the Citadel and the Capital Wasteland entirely, traveling around doing odd jobs as a gun for hire, being part of a raider group at one point that specialized in robbing caravans on the move; the group however bit off more than they could chew and was soundly defeated during one ambush. Cassie escaped as the battle turned against herself and the raider crew, snatching anything of value before fleeing the scene and continuing her adventure for survival. When she reached the Common Wealth Cassie was twenty and she went straight to Nuka World, meeting the more serious well organized raiders who lived there working as a slaver for the Pack and any other who would pay. Mostly snatching up chem addicts and other deplorables rather than honest working people, she quit that when the trade slowed and she left to goto Diamond City; using the caps she saved trading flesh for a small hovel like house. Still taking jobs for the right amount of pay, ranging from extortion, to collecting debts, and even murder; she was glad to do near anything no questions asked except for how much. Reason for Agreeing: Caps, loot, somewhere deep down perhaps an attempt at redemption for all the evil? [/hider]