Zann was going to try and keep from embarrassing the poor little bunny any further, but that was quickly foiled by Panda when she came over and hugged Miyu, asking who of them the bunny like better. And with that already being done well... Zann got up and walked across the desk to come up on Miyu's other side, where he started nuzzling into her and rubbing the soft fur of his body against her side, trapping the bunny between a Panda and a Fox. Though with Panda focused on squeezing an answer out of Miyu and the bunny-girl herself on the verge of turning into a quivering puddle of embarrassment it was him that noticed the blip on the console, stopping for a moment to see what it was and then huffing at the interruption. He stepped away and shifted into a human form again and walked around behind the chair to pry Panda off of Miyu while trying to draw her attention to the aforementioned blip. "Miyu, you have an alert" he indicated towards it with his head since his arms were busy. [@VitaVitaAR][@RoflsMazoy]