Took me long enough but I have finally completed my NadareRyu. Please, if you have any suggestion, I would like to hear them. [@Masaki Haruna][@Raijinslayer] Reposting here: [hider=NadareRyu] [Character Type]- Ninja [u][i][b]Data[/b][/i][/u] [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=My Hider] [img][/img] [/hider] [b]Name[/b]: Emiya, Akemi [b]Nickname/Alias[/b]: [b]Occupation[/b]: student [b]Faction[/b]: Konohagakure [b]Age[/b]: 12 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Blood Type[/b]: A positive [b]Biography[/b]: Akemi was born to a relatively common family in a small mountain town in the Land of Fire. Both her mother's and Father's descend from ancient lines of Shinobi families. Neither family had produced a shinobi capable individual in several generations and both houses had give up on the idea. However, Akemi was the black sheep of the family. Somehow, she was born with the potential similar to the ancient shinobi of her line. Because of this when she was six, Her family moved to a settlement just on the outskirts of Konohagakure. Akemi was enrolled in school in the hope she would realize her families dream of reviving their status as a Shinobi clan. Akemi's mother was a practicing healer at a hot springs. She used herbs to enhance the healing effects of the waters. This was something she taught to Akemi, the values of Herbs. Akemi from a very young age was trained and helped her mother at the springs. Because her mother knew Akemi was going to become a shinobi, Her mother focused Akemi mostly on care of medicinal herbs and even some poisonous ones. More and More, Akemi came to tend the garden on her own. Even when she began going to school, Akemi would get up earlier just to tend the garden before walking to school. When Akemi was 10, Her father and her moved to Konohagakure proper. Her father came for extra work and He rented an apartment. Akemi came with him to be closer to the school house. Her father would live in the house 4 days a week before going back to stay with Akemi's mom for 3 days. Akemi has taken this opportunity to start her own garden for whenever she was alone. [b]Personality[/b]: Taciturn, nature lover Akemi is a quiet, hard working individual. She is always busy doing something such as reading, practicing, or tending her many plants. Whenever she gets assignments or tasks, she does them down to the letter. She does everything by the book even when it annoys others. She believe that there is no objective good or evil. There is only order and chaos. Too much of either is inherently bad. Though Akemi does not talk much, it would be foolish to assume that she is shy or a distant cold hearted person. Akemi is extremely caring of living things especially her plants. [u][b]Quirks[/b][/u] [b]Likes[/b]: Plants (Potted not plucked), Archery, Strawberries [b]Dislikes[/b]: Bugs (Especially ants and spiders), Over confident individuals, rap music [u][b]Techniques[/b][/u] This the Jutsu set. [b]Skills[/b]: Archery - C rank Herbology/ green thumb Chakra Control - B rank [b]Ability[/b]: [u]Wind release: Aim True[/u]: Rank C - This technique can be used to enhance the accuracy of an arrow shot or even speed up the speed of the arrow. [u]Chakra Scalpel[/u]: Rank C- generates a small blade made out of Chakra. Takes good amount of concentration to keep chakra sharp enough to cut. Primarily, this ability is used by Shinobi for Surgery and thus not normally used for combat. [u]Genjutsu: See no Evil[/u]: Rank B - This technique makes the affected cannot visibly acknowledge the existence of the user. The affected will subconsciously ignore seeing the user. They can still verify the user's existence by smell, hearing, touch, and even taste. [u]Chakra Arrows[/u]: Rank ??A?? - This incomplete technique intends to concentrate user's Chakra into the form of the arrow. It would appear ghostly and translucent. Akemi has not completed this technique, nor she is sure it is even possible to do. After reading a book on how chakra techniques are created, Akemi has made an effort to try to make one herself. [u][b]Miscs[/b][/u] [b]Theme Song(s)[/b]: [url][/url] [b]Extras[/b]: In combat, she often mixes tools with her arrows. Poisoning them, attacking paper bombs to them, and lighting them on fire, ect. Hopefully, she will gain other means of mixing Jutsu and arrows as she gets stronger. [/hider]