[@HowlsOfWinter] [hr][center][color=82AD82][b][h2]K I E A M I E R A[/h2][/b][/color][/center][hr] [color=82AD82][i]How long had it been?[/i][/color] For another individual traveling within the frozen wastes of the Flurry Forest it had felt like a lifetime. Since the green-haired woman had awoken in the shadows of the cold and desolate forest-covered hills some time ago and much like her memories her sense of time seemed hard to assess. She could’ve been traveling in the seemingly endless stream of icy rocks and frozen trees anywhere between days and months. Perhaps the inability to be certain about anything was her punishment for whatever actions she had done that resulted in her exile? That, at least, was how she came to presume she ended up as she did— a fact reinforced that she had little comprehension of her past outside of flashes and murmurs; unsurprisingly, she often wondered what those flashes and murmurs actually meant. Unlike the other occupant of the forest, the green-haired woman didn’t feel issue to the frozen cold or death-like solitude— either due to her own personal vitality or the living forest’s own will she found herself rarely living in ill comfort and found a sort of eerie peace in the whole stretch of frozen wastes. That is, outside from the discovery of old caverns that littered underneath the frozen soil and unstable tundra that she had found herself in. Littered with old ruins and even older natural passageways underneath the forest itself, the environment that she had been wading through was interestingly alien and bait for her wanton curiosity. Such curiosity that had caused her to explore the underground caverns with eagerness to the point that she had not seen the cold skies of the forest for some time now. It was a curiosity that also led herself forward and towards the path of the other visitor to the forest, though neither of them would know it. As she moved forward through the current passageway in the caverns with bow in hand a sorrowful cry echoed in the nearly silent cave. [color=82AD82][i]I am not alone?[/i][/color] Out of subconscious habit, the green-haired woman disappeared from full view before moving forward again— even with the darkness of the cave, there had a need instilled in her to not be seen at all which cumulated in vanishing through her uncanny ability to do so. ‘Curious but Cautious’ as the saying went. But who’s saying? Was it her own or something she had picked up from another? A thought for another time, perhaps. As she moved forward she came to the source of the sorrowful cry that had been uttered only moments earlier; a woman much like her of desperate condition and even more desperate emotions. She had to wonder who she was and what she was doing here in the Flurry Forest— was she lost like she was as well? The green-haired woman pressed her back against the cold stone of the cave as she carefully walked slowly to hide her approach, a look of confusion embracing her expression as she looked at the tattered and fatigued appearance of the female stranger. There were many questions, but for some reason her instincts told her to not reveal herself. For now, she would observe.