For anyone who failed to pick up on the part... Or maybe it was I who failed to mentioned it but in fact mentioned it in a different discussion... I use the concept of 3.5 because it is relatively well know. However, let it be said that any such system would have to be find tuned and tweaked to be something entirely different from D&D or any established system. What we would have to work with is an entirely -new- system. All of you have put forth some very valid input. However, the majority of cons have all related to a couple key ideas. - People are entirely too set in their ways. They like to fight freeform because they feel they can keep things fair one way or another. By matching each others character levels, "strategy," et cetera. But this is not what I have seen while looking through a number of battles on the first couple of pages. - If you throw dice in there things get arbitrary, and conviluted taking away the fun from the player. Once again, this is all in how you view the arena. If it is just for winning then sure, perhaps it isn't the place for me because I prefer writing well and getting credit for it than winning or losing. Quite frankly, you could win every battle but if your writing is garbage, well... its self explanatory. These are fine reasons. And none that I can really refute because as with any role play, to each their own or don't participate. But quite frankly, and not to sound like an ass but we've gotten entirely too long winded. Let's keep this discussion with TL:DR mentality for future use. I may be working on a system, or I might just use dice for my own enjoyment to dictate how things go. My main gripe remains. Because let's face it, what is called "strategy" is generally just power gaming. How powerful can I build my character within the confines of this particular rule set to put myself ahead. This is evident by many of the combat threads in the arena. And this works for many, which is fine. It just does not work for me. So we'll see how things progress from here when I have a wee bit more time to consider the system. -