Though not exclusively linked to roleplay, I figured this was a good thing to discuss anyway. Writing to me has never been a task that I enjoy. As strange as that may sound, if I explain, perhaps you will agree. Though the outcome of writing (namely your story, a character, or interaction between your character and others') is very enjoyable and more often than not the sole reason I enjoy roleplaying, I do not really find any enjoyment in the act of writing, and actually it can be quite tedious and boring. It depends on the roleplay itself of course, as with most things, but typically it's not that enjoyable to write out posts. Though perhaps this has more to do with me getting older, as I remember I enjoyed writing the posts when I was younger, but it could also be the fact that my posts are getting longer (from 2-3 paragraphs in casual roleplays, to nowadays writing 6.000 to 10.000 characters per post). Due to this I find 'getting in the mood' can be tedious and I have trouble finding inspiration, the right mood to write, or even willingness to continue RP's because of this. So what do you do? How do you typically get in the mood and stay in the mood to write? How do you avoid getting bored, distracted?