[@Joshie]Ian: "Yeah, my mom was regular human -though her family was, and still kinda is, decidedly less so before my grandpa decided against running the family business- and, from what little I know about my . . . conception, the thing with Asmodeus was more of happenstance on her part. She went to a club an met someone who seemed like the literal definition of tall, dark, and handsome, had a few drinks and, before she could even think, she was be led to a nearby hotel. The rest I've never had the desire to know more about, but my mom didn't know her little bouncing boy was half-demon until he started shifting into his demon form at school and scaring the shit out of the other kids. Luckily, my great-grandfather was an Exorcist in his day and was able to read the signs and inform my mom just what shed gotten herself into. So on top of being a young single mom who was living with her parents and struggling to make ends meet, she also had to deal with her son being the spawn of the Demon Lord of Lust. Took some getting used to, for sure, but she'd grown up in a family that had been steeped in the occult world just two generations before, so it wasn't like she had to deal with it alone." "As for specifics, my mom is a bit, uh, what's a respectful way of putting this . . . she doesn't really think things through? She tends to take hold of something and rolls with it, no matter how bad an idea it might seem, and that has gotten her in a bit of trouble from time to time, but she's a sweet and caring person. She loves me, demon side and all, and sometimes jokes about getting child support from my dad. They aren't funny jokes, but I laugh all the same. She's the kind of person that never seems to stop smiling, no matter what the situation, because it always helps to have an optimistic outlook on life. I think that's what I really respect about her, that unwavering ability to take everything the world can throw at you, and laugh it all off."