Marcus hadn't been this nervous in ages. Sure, this tryout session had ended, and sure everyone was jumpy... it wasn't hard to see. Even Bell was white-knuckling her broom, but he was trying to keep a oil facade. Inside he was more jumpy than his first time to Hogwarts. There was a giddiness in him, but once his name came for first steing, he released the breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. He smirked to Pucey and spoke, "Just like old times, eh?" He said. He watched as Pucey brought Bell into a spinning hug and rolled his eyes a bit, though a chuckle escaped him. Nice, Pucey. He walked over to the two of them and offered a look to Bell when she spoke to him and he gave a nod. "Did pretty well yourself, Bell." Pucey noticed the tension between them, knowing himself that this bad blood went for miles, but still he threw an arm around each of them. "C'mon guys, you two play pretty well off each other for only playing again at each other before." He sang, and Marcus tossed him a look. "No kidding? Couldn't be why we got first string." His snark chuckle made Pucey laugh too. "So, Kitty Cat, you going to join us for a celebration?" Pucey asked as he nudged Marcus in the ribs. "It'll be fun." Marcus just shook his head a bit, the small smile still on his face. He was thrilled that he was finally away from Tutshill for sure. On a team that was actually worth a damn too. This definitely called for celebration, but he wasn't sure if he'd be all too welcomed just yet.