Name - Andrew Nolan Alias - Ferro Lad Age - 19 Powers/Primary Skills - [list] [b]Organic Iron Transformation-[/b] Ferro has the superhuman ability to convert the tissue of his entire body into an organic Iron. He is able to transform into this armor-like state at will. After transforming into Iron he possesses vast superhuman strength and is invulnerable to most forms of bodily harm. [/list] Weaknesses - [list][b]No Anchoring Ability-[/b] Ferro is unable to anchor himself to the floor, meaning he is easily thrown around. [b]No Formal Combat Training-[/b] Ferro relies mostly on brute force when fighting. As a result, Ferro lags behind better trained fighters. His speed when in combat is abysmal when compared to a trained opponent or ally.[/list] Brief Bio - Andrew Nolan and his twin brother, Douglas, were born with severely deformed faces. Horrified, their mother, Mary Nolan, a famous stage actress, abandoned them. Left in the care of an unscrupulous scientist called "Doc 30", he escaped as a teenager while Douglas remained behind. As a result of this experience, both Douglas and Andrew gained the ability to transform into living iron, from which Andrew took his name (Fe is the periodic table designation for Iron). After Braniac 5's betrayal, Ferro Lad rejoined with the remaining members of the Legion to protect them and perhaps find his brother once again. --Stats-- I.Q. - 3 Strength - 6 Speed - 2 Attack - 1 Hammer Fist. Defense - 6 Iron Hardening, Forearm Block, Deflection, Chest Puff, Unflinching Walk, Knuckle-breaking Jaw. Health - 16 Signature Attack: Throw Ally