[quote=@Mardox] I find the peasant mentality to be rather limiting. Yes, we lack power now but why not have ambition? I'm not sure what kind of Fascists you've come across before so let's start by actually defining the ideology I subscribe to. Here's a quick video that outlines the basics of what I believe: [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICPKcng9_SU[/url] I've never had that experience with An-Caps, possibly because the only one I've met was IRL and he didn't have internet anonymity to threaten my family with a knife without my reporting him to law enforcement. [/quote] Okay, just a quick point about how I operate: I don't do videos. It just annoys me, because people will throw videos instead of explaining themselves like I am supposed to debunk an entire field single handedly while they just toss links at me. We gonna debate it gotta be analog. I will say too that I realize fascism isn't just Jew-killing. My understanding is it's a centralizing of power, the power's legitimacy based on nationalism, with a system of enforced centralization in the specific fields of society to cull negative foreign influences and stabilize things that are left hanging in liberal societies? I think the problem with any system of power centralization is that everyone imagines it going to people who embody everything perfect about their ideology, where only those who deserve power enter power. But history shows us that you get a Carlos II or a Nero for every Trajan or Charlemagne, and that most monarchs are the so-so type, the ones you forget because they were neither good at their job nor bad, they were just there. I think this was the real problem with European fascism, it was doomed to fail because it propelled incompetent ideologues to total power. The evil would have been forgotten if they won because every society has evil under its belt, but there was no getting there because their entire theory of power is unrealistic. Marxist-Leninists have the same problem. Nobody has ever invented a system of power that insures it has the right people at the right time. ML's not only built a system that guaranteed a Stalin, they also guaranteed a Kruschev and a Gorbachev. Fascists likewise didn't get unlucky and stuck with Hitler: Hitler was the type of person their system was just going to produce one way or the other. The problem with totalitarianism is that, when they end up with a mediocre leader their entire society goes mediocre, and when they end up with an idiot, their entire society suffers from temporary national idiocy. Hitler wouldn't have trashed Fascist Germany if Fascist Germany had given more power to the generals who, you know, weren't ham-strung by the stupidity of the Fascist power structure. [quote=@Keyguyperson] My main problem with ancaps is that they act even more haughty than fascists. Like, fascists might often consider themselves to be a genetically superior example of the human species upon which all life must be based, but ancaps are condescending as fuck. More condescending than I can be, which is impressive. Probably because they tend to either be REALLY stereotypical neckbeards or rich kids who are overly successful in life, both of which are possibly the most condescending demographics. [/quote] That too. In general they always seem to be bad people. It's funny how I've never had that problem with Marxist-Leninist type communists, and never with Fascists, thought being left libertarian I am somebody both wouldn't be able to tolerate in their perfect societies; I'd end up dead in a creek somewhere. Yet fucking An-Caps are supposed to be anarchic and against the use of force, but are always dicks to basically everyone else.