[@KillBox] Sorry for the double post but this one makes more sense. Ahem. [center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/kCa9HcqRFVXuE/giphy.gif[/img] [i]"And when the Lamb had opened the fourth seal, the fourth living creature said, "Come and see." And I saw and beheld a pale horse, and the rider who sat upon him, whose name was Death..." -Revelations 6:8[/i] [h2][color=7ea7d8]~SHADOW~[/color][/h2] (Alias: Takeda Ayame) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wvZmHJ-nLMM[/center] [i][b]Name:[/b][/i] She goes by many, [i]The Wraith[/i], [i]The Black Hand of Death[/i], [i]Spooky[/i], but the name that's stuck with her is just [i]Shadow[/i]. [i][b]Age:[/b][/i] 23 [i][b]Gender:[/b][/i] Female [i][b]Species:[/b][/i] Human [b][i]Affiliation:[/i][/b] (Former) The Organization, a separatist group within the A.A.L. (All Asian League) (Current) None [b][i]Country of Origin:[/i][/b] Japan [b][i]Current Location:[/i][/b] Shibuya District; Tokyo [center][img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/36607852a78358e0d358879b03c58b0b/tumblr_mznkvk3w7q1rfx24fo2_500.gif[/img][/center] [i][b]Weapons:[/b][/i] [center][img]https://45.media.tumblr.com/6019be6f8def0a6546cbe5550b98a207/tumblr_nlu5ec98gi1u4hvgpo1_500.gif[/img][/center] [hider=Sniper Rifle] [img]http://levelup.com.br/uploaded//warface/2015.11.27/mcmillan-_-_-20151127090508.png[/img] [h3]DMR-58 HEKATE SNIPER RIFLE[/h3] -Manufacturer: BemaTech Defense Contractors -Type: Semi-automatic Magazine Fed -Round: .308 Winchester (7.62x51mm NATO) -Range: Up to 800 yards out -Muzzle Velocity: 2,860 Feet per Second -Scope: 4x32 High power with adaptable lenses [i]"This rifle is quite compact, can be easily broken down for transport and fires highly damaging armour-piercing and hollow point bullets, using a detachable 15 round box magazine. Additionally, the high power scope has built in lenses adaptable to any level of light, even pitch darkness. Top that with the impressive range of this weapon and you have one hell of a gun for any assassin."[/i] [/hider] [hider=Pistol] [img]http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/633034668395456801/26A9E7ADE0B053A5E7069F0059D7BCEC03ECE440/[/img] [h3]SB-10 CERBERUS PISTOL[/h3] -Manufacturer: Zenith Firearms -Type: Semi-Automatic Caseless Ammunition -Round: 10mm -Range: Up to 30 yards or more -Muzzle Velocity: 2,450 Feet per Second [i]The SB-10 was developed back in the early 2000s, most likely to replace the already outdated 9mm pistols the military had been carrying. However, this one was specially modified for special operations, utilizing a special caseless ammunition system, meaning you don't leave a trail of brass behind you. It also has a detachable suppressor for when you need to take your targets out nice and quiet. Now isn't that special?"[/i] [/hider] [hider=Sword and Knife] [img]http://img09.deviantart.net/54e2/i/2012/024/f/f/jinroh_catana_and_combat_knife_by_mukkelkatze-d4ngdkc.jpg[/img] [h3]SIN & SORROW[/h3] [i]Nothing much to say about these two babies. Sharp ass high carbon steel blades guaranteed to cut the heads off anyone who tries to mess with you. Not to mention they look pretty badass.[/i] [/hider] [b][i]Special Abilities:[/i][/b] Despite her already keen athleticism, sharpened senses, and deadly precision & accuracy with most firearms, Shadow was [i]blessed[/i] by the serum with a new set of abilities, making her an even deadlier opponent on the field of battle. She could dash about at amazing speeds believed unreachable by a human, and even see farther than one. Her pain tolerance and durability was beyond normal as well, she could survive a fifty foot drop without a single broken bone. There was also the matter of these [i]other[/i] gifts. However, the effects of these newfound abilities are only temporary and are mainly used to give her a slight advantage over her adversaries. When these abilities are activated, strange blotches appear around Shadow's eyes, making them appear to be sunk in...like those of a corpse. [hider=Special Abilities] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/0b/3d/0c/0b3d0c6e30f892271bc07afd60fbefff.jpg[/img] [h3]Diaspora[/h3] Somehow, the serum altered her molecular structure, allowing Shadow to [i]break apart[/i] her physical being at will. This means, for a short amount of time, she can faze through solid objects such as walls and floors, whether to escape or to surprise her foes. [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/9afabe9497c1285b482554eea25e0ace/tumblr_n2vk5bSD4b1qdo7sio1_500.gif[/img] [h3]Ghost[/h3] A special form of biometric camouflage. In short, Shadow can easily disappear and reappear, blending into any environment for a short period of time. However, she can still be detected by heat signatures and x-ray vision of any sort. Also, she can be spotted easily by her faint outline by a well trained eye. [/hider] [b][i]Short Bio:[/i][/b] [center][img]http://i99.beon.ru/s009.radikal.ru/i308/1511/39/95f2d22c5633.gif[/img][/center] Shadow never knew her true family. Her mother and father had disappeared six months after her birth, leaving her in the care of an orphanage in Osaka, Japan. By that time, she was under the name [i]Takeda Ayame[/i]. By age seven, Ayame was kidnapped by a mysterious group known only as The Organization. The Organization erased any memories she had of her previous life, and surely enough, they began to mold her body and mind into that of a perfect killer, even going as far as to use an experimental serum codenamed X01. It was unclear who they worked for, but the girl was warned to never ask questions. [center][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/c7e981927f8e68fdc3194810a3bafbca/tumblr_n7wlcbm5Pn1rfx24fo1_500.gif[/img][/center] For years, the girl who would be known as Shadow was placed under the tutelage of a man she knew only as [url=http://tamrielfoundry.com/wp-content/uploads/avatars/11314/e3c6472cdacc49f6bd5e9a712272b91c-bpfull.png]Master.[/url] Master trained her in the deadly arts of the assassin. He taught her how to use firearms, how to fight with blades, improvised weapons, and her bare hands. He taught her how to kill her targets silently and efficiently. How to elude her enemies and avoid capture. And....how to feel no remorse... By the time she was thirteen, Shadow had become the Organization's top assassin with numerous kills under her belt. She was well versed in many different languages, despite not being able to speak any, and she was a black belt in Krav Maga. For her, there was no other life than working for the Organization and her Master. But...that all changed... At fifteen, she embarked on what would be her last mission for the Organization, the assassination of the Japanese Prime Minister's teenage daughter, Masaki Reiko. Shadow assumed her former name of Ayame and went undercover at Reiko's boarding school in Tokyo. What she didn't expect however was her target becoming her closest friend...and eventually the love of her life. [center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/DNUPVWwsdgLLi/giphy.gif[/img][/center] Shadow and Reiko were together for about a year when Shadow revealed her secret, that she was an assassin sent to kill Reiko. Reiko was shocked at first, but nevertheless she managed to forgive Shadow. Soon enough, the Organization found out about Shadow's relationship with Reiko, ordering the both of them to be killed. Shadow knew she had put Reiko's life at risk and her own, and so, she decided the two of them would run away and live together in Okinawa. Sadly, this would be the last time she saw Reiko alive... As she went to fetch Reiko from her house, it exploded before her very eyes in a ball of fire. Shadow knew Reiko was dead. The Organization had killed her... Shadow, she had nothing now. The love of her life was gone, nothing left but ashes and cinders. It would be these very cinders though...that would spark the flames of vengeance. [center][img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/338d3c1d50d567398c0d290fd87638d6/tumblr_mkpdjlxikX1sn5teeo1_500.gif[/img][/center] Shadow turned herself in to the Organization a week after Reiko's death. No surprise, the Organization ordered her to be executed. Master would be the one to do it. As he drew his katana to behead his once greatest student, that's when Shadow attacked. She killed Master then launched an all out assault on the Organization's headquarters, killing as many as she could, not just for her, but for Reiko. Many dead were left in her wake, the entire headquarters damaged beyond any repair in the ensuing battle. Finally, in one last act of defiance towards the Organization, Shadow threw herself out the window, plummeting into the raging sea below. Her body sank beneath the crashing waves and was gone forever. The Organization believed she was dead. ...but she wasn't... [center][img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/8b1d/f/2015/077/7/4/1_by_degonia-d8m8ny4.gif[/img] [img]http://www.picgifs.com/anime/anime/ergo-proxy/anime-ergo-proxy-792142.gif[/img][/center] Twas either a miracle or a cruel twist of fate that she lived, but somehow she ended up washed ashore near Tokyo Bay. She enrolled herself once more in school under her alias Ayame and graduated, taking up a simple package delivery job afterwards. She was ready to live a peaceful life alone, a normal life. But...there really is no such thing as [i]normal.[/i] [b][i]Other:[/i][/b] [center][img]http://giffiles.alphacoders.com/132/13290.gif[/img][/center] Shadow doesn't speak, not a single word. She mostly communicates through facial gestures and body language or writing down her words on a small paper tablet she carries around. She rarely smiles either. To some, this makes her seem cold, distant, and not too friendly to approach. While Shadow does put off an intimidating atmosphere, she is friendly to some degree and will socialize with people, though it is difficult with her muteness. The only color Shadow ever wears is black. She's not too fond of bright colors, but given the circumstances of her past, there isn't much brightness to be found in the poor girl. [b][i]Likes:[/i][/b] [center][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/7d6454a59066ee663c1a02cc216d51d0/tumblr_njbnccCl6v1t62fy9o1_500.gif[/img][/center] -Exercising every morning & night -Sushi -Reading books (Currently reading Sun Tzu's [i]The Art of War[/i]) -Listening to music (Classical, Traditional Japanese, Rock, Metal, Industrial, Dubstep, Some Jazz) -Standing under a hot shower with her eyes closed -Taking walks in the park (Especially during the cherry blossom season) -Girls [b][i]Dislikes:[/i][/b] [center][img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/033e6974a919013e70570f3abe4458e2/tumblr_nx8prdaFWf1sfet3to1_500.gif[/img][/center] -Those dark blotches around her eyes -Not being able to sleep at night -People staring at her -Being annoyed -Not being able to speak [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/ca/64/e4/ca64e4a1553729e050e27a8595b927dd.gif[/img][/center]