[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#00ccff]Nora Kingston[/color][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/3eb446360938111382b9f58a22a48215/tumblr_inline_mm97p1CtDC1qz4rgp.gif[/img][hr]Location: Egyptian Museum[/center][hr][hr]Nora couldn't help but smile dryly at the thought of the Pharaoh's Curse. She had already lived through a curse, having spent her childhood on the verge of death. She had been born into a world that did not accept her, with no other alternatives. And yet, she was not a fighter. She did not struggle and attempt to create change. Instead, Nora merely accepted fate, and went about minding her own business. With a stiff upper lip and a cup of tea, Nora couldn't care about the rules of the world, even the ones she was bound to obey. It was her quiet rebellion. Yet throughout her life, she believed firmly in reason. There was no time for fantasy or magic, with her Penny Dreadfuls constituting a guilty pleasure. All the light show caused by Lady Munn's necklace informed her of was that Josephine was dafter than she appeared, and the journalist eager to please whomever he met. The pair of them irritated her beyond belief, yet she found something pleasant in Lady Munn. Perhaps if she had more courage, she would have liked to be more like her. Perhaps in another life, another time, another place, another dream. At the hieroglyphs, Nora flipped through her notebook quietly, in order to not draw any attention. The more symbols she found with context, the more she would be able to assist her father in his work. An assistant on paper, Nora fancied herself to be an amateur cryptographer. Finding puzzles and patterns was her life's work, the one thing she would gladly relinquish her life for. And while she was skilled in deciphering them, without the aid of her detailed notes in the small book she carried constantly, as well as other references, she could not read them. [color=00ccff]"I have not had much occasion to visit the tombs, I am afraid. I have been on one occasion, in order to deliver papers and other items of importance to Dr. Kingston, but I do not get the chance to leave the city proper on too many occasions,"[/color] Nora explained, her voice quiet, hardly above a whisper. She didn't feel the need to divulge her own training and expertise. If it became relevant, it would be relevant. In a room with such large personalities, Nora was content to be the quiet soul and to simply observe them. Of course, visiting the tombs in the company of strangers at such a late hour was hardly proper, she could not quite deny that. [i]But the branding...I must know what strangeness is at work here...[/i] Without revealing her reluctance, Nora nodded to indicate her willingness to head to the tombs, or to perform whatever deeds must be done in order to speak with the goddess. She had no time for illusions and for magic, but it appeared today, an exception would be ultimately necessary. And certainly, if the hour grew too late, one of the fine gentlemen would be willing to escort her to her lodgings in Garden City.