[h2]Mika Alkaev - Drop Off[/h2] "Uhh..." As he made such an asinine noise, Mika stared at the imposing looking figure. In his mind, he began checking off descriptors. [i]'Expensive-looking armor? Check. Distorted voice? Check. Opaque helmet? Check. Tall and imposing? Check. Shady?'[/i] His eyes narrowed slightly, although more for dramatic effect than for a legitimate purpose. [i]'...Check. This seems to be my guy.'[/i] [i]'Probably.'[/i] The speedster exhaled, and pulled the bag a little closer to his body. "Depends on who's asking," he answered, pulling the cliche clandestine line straight from all the novels he'd read, "I'm just a transporter. Who knows who I'm working for at any one time?" He gave a casual shrug, and glanced around the alley. He pulled down the bill of his cap, hiding his face from one of the security cameras positioned to his right. Given his unsubtle urban maneuvering, it was pretty obvious he'd already been ID'd by the camera's facial recognition ages ago. Though if this guy was who he said he was, there was a good chance that that wasn't a problem. Of course, that left the entirely different problem that he might die here and nobody would know, but hopefully having his little tracking blip get wiped off the map would alert his boss that [i]something[/i] was up. They probably wouldn't be able to do anything about it, but it was the thought that counted. Hmm... Maybe it was better to get this over with as quickly as possible? "...Well those are all hypotheticals anyway," Mika backtracked, giving a dismissive handwave, "You're the dude who hacked ENMA, right? 'Cause I've got a packa- [i]delivery, [/i]with his name on it." [h2]Adam Pride - Birdcage[/h2] Everything was in place. From behind his steepled fingers and the comfort of his Canadian compound, Adam Pride smiled at the holographic display of Pyramid City. A threefold series of sporadically-placed, blinking, red blips - each signifying someone of import for this operation - stood out against the cyan wireframe. The God of Science lifted his arm and drew back his sleeve, revealing the sleek apparatus wrapped around his wrist. Then, with a flourish that nobody was around to appreciate, he activated his D-Watch. For it was time to set his plan into motion. [h2]For Kotori[/h2] [quote=D-Watch Urgent System Message // N/A -> Username: Songbird] This is an emergency message. Pyramid City Security has received word of a potential hostage situation occurring in Pyramid City. Metahuman abilities have been leveraged, and due to the situation, Pyramid City Security is unable to respond. Direct interference has been determined to lead to particularly disastrous results. The most appropriate course of action has been determined to be an ambush against the target at their hideout with a powerful combatant. The location of the hideout is... [/quote] Based on the address, it appeared that they were based in an apartment building in the middle income district of the city. That itself wasn't too strange, but there was a distinct lack of identification for the hostage taker. Even the hostage - one Fabre, Aria - was identified, and the rest of the message held a fairly usual debriefing of the situation; it even ended with the usual five conclusive words staring back at her, calling her to action. [quote=D-Watch Urgent System Message // N/A -> Username: Songbird] Will you accept this mission? [/quote]