Voting for an independent is like voting for a one-issue-party in Europe. It's the thought that matters because lord knows you're not making a fucking difference except on principles. I'm voting for the pirate party in the next elections but I'm not doing it because I believe they'll gain seats, I'm doing it because I agree with them on principle and I think that's what democracy should be about. As a sidenote I should admit I'm biased towards Trump because as a European and as a Dutch person living in the Netherlands, he's the better choice. Like, objectively, there's no question he's the better choice for me. He wants smoother relations with Russia (which is a plus for Europe), he doesn't want TTIP (which is objectively a plus for us, since we maintain our higher standards without getting flooded with cheap, non-standard American goods) and he's not in favor of the UN [i]or[/i] NATO, all of which would be better for the Netherlands since currently a lot of money is soaked into that for no good reason, because it doesn't support my country all that much. Also, I just really, really dislike Hillary Clinton. I don't care how you twist and turn the e-mail fiasco, she could be charged with mishandling information at [i]best[/i] and with being a traitor to the United States at fucking worst. Having COSMIC SECRET files on your e-mail without having a) the fucking access level or b) the 'need to know' basis that is required for these things is a fucking crime. Also, 'lets drone this guy' is not something a president should say. Ever. Especially an American one, who are notoriously bad at seeing what buildings are filled with enemies and which buildings are, ya know, filled with fucking sick people and doctors.