Note: The School will be known as Halcyon High for simplicity sake. This is open to change later. [@Ermine] Speaking of telling people things, I hear Alexis has told you a bombshell (it's okay, she told me too, so we don't have to go into details). What did you think of Alexis and Her mom before the revelation? What do you think of them now? Riley was telling me about the student body of Halcyon High and I understand that there are cliques and groups and the sort. What are your thoughts on this? [@Raijinslayer] It's kind of heartwarming to see that you and your mom is getting along. But what about your dad? Is he aware of you? And come to think of it, I haven't been keeping up with the Heaven/Hell dynamic of Halcyon... is he a 'good' Demon (or rather as 'good' as a demon can get) or an evil one? [@Liliya] I know a little about 'Ursae'... but lets get to know more about you, 'Alexis'. Let's just pretend that you couldn't bench press Ethiopia. Your mom is not one of the greatest heroes in present time Halcyon. Your mom isn't well known at all. You are just a beautiful, normal teen attgending Halcyon High. Surely, you have dreams of what you want to be. What are they? Oh yeah, and on the subject of Halcyon High, it came to my attention (Riley, if you must know) that Halcyon High is kind of ran by cliques. The students there are very image conscious, whether by looks or reputation. Were you aware of this? And where do you think you stand on the scale of 'coolness' at Halcyon High? Why? [@Grey] So, Hana, I need to ask you something. I hear that Andrea told you something about herself lately. Something quite personal. She already told me about it, so don't worry, you are not breaking her confidence. How do you feel about her now? I mean, she could die (or worse) next month. Next week. Tomorrow, even! ...and why do you think she told 'you' of all people? I mean I think of other people in your social circle, for example, Ian and Riley who are both a bit of social butterflies (on the point of Ian, woman are on him like stink on a monkey... which makes me ask what you think of him), and then there is Alexis among others... Why you? What are your thoughts on that?