[@Joshie]"I have no idea, never met the guy. Being the almighty demon lord that he is, I guess he doesn't have the time to check in on his son or send child support checks. And don't worry about the whole 'heaven/hell' situation, I don't know a thing about it myself either. I'v never come into contact with a demon or an angel before, and personally, I'd like to keep things that way." Asmodeus is aware of his son, but he doesn't really care that much since Ian hasn't 'converted' yet. Ian is far from his first child, and neither he nor his mother rank very high on the demon's list of priorities. He only communes with his spawn once they have fully given into their demon blood, as that's the only time he finds them worthy of noticing, though their have been the few rare exceptions. Asmodeus himself is neither good nor evil, as far as demons go. He's best described as being Chaotic Neutral, doing whatever the hell he wants to whoever the hell he wants. He doesn't have any extreme levels of malice towards most beings, and can even be helpful to a degree, but never think it's because he cares for people. He never does anything for anyone unless he thinks he can benefit from it.