Basically, I would [b]LOVE[/b] for us to do a Celebrity/OC roleplay set in the Alpha/Omega universe. If you play an Omega Eddie Redmayne for me, then I'll play an Alpha celebrity for your character: any celebrity you'd like, I'll do the research on them and play them for your character. Male or female, I don't mind at all. My character is a female Alpha in her early twenties and she's in a relationship with Eddie (because Eddie is just so adorable) - and I'd just love to do this because I don't feel like dominant characters are played enough. Of course, she supports his career completely and keeps out of the limelight. [u][i][b]1. Please know the Alpha/Omega concept pretty well. As much as I love getting interest from everybody and anybody, right now I'm only interested in somebody who's done the whole Alpha/Omega setting before.[/b][/i][/u] 2. Be 18 or over. Its honestly a comfort/legal thing. 3. Be active. I'm looking for more than 4 responses a day. 4. Be willing to post at least a paragraph for each character. 5. Have fun!