[I just realized a profound err on my part, because Seph isn't anywhere near the medical tent, and yet I had him interrupt poor Ari, oops XDDD] "Oh, he's probably sleeping, if I know him at all. But I think this is important enough to warrant the risk of rousing him." Sephiroth replied. "If this doesn't put a grin on his face, Anuriel, I'll cut my hair." He told the cook. [hr] "I'm sure the General would agree with you if you told him that!" Ari chortled. She turned to Sasha. "Well, let's see. Blank expression, bland tone of voice, distant-looking eyes...You used Order, didn't you? Yeah. That's normal. Nothing I can do about those effects, hun, just try not to use Order again until you feel more like yourself, otherwise you'll make it worse. Best cure for lack of emotion, in my medical opinion? Go have a drink. Have several."