[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Dorado%20Iturbide&name=Cursif.ttf&size=50&style_color=7f6b00[/img] [img]http://i0.statig.com.br/fw/co/zj/4d/cozj4dmblx09b8ltngefnawvy.jpg[/img] [b][u]L[/u]ocation: Peregrine Hangout Area[/b] [b][u]I[/u]nteracting With:[/b]Wesley Gray [@Apokalipse], Ebony Jones [@mskennedy615][hr][hr][/center] Dorado woke up to find himself in a strange room. Getting up, he groggily looked around the room until he recognized it as one of the rooms onboard the Peregrine. That was right, he'd laid down for a short nap earlier that afternoon. He wasn't really the type to nap, and it wasn't often that it was even an option. He always had something going on at Salem,and he spent his summers similarly occupied. In fact, he'd say all but two of the naps he'd taken in the past six years had been aboard this very vehicle. The rides to and from Salem were easily the most uneventful days of any year. He glanced at the clock to find it was already three in the afternoon. That nap had gone on much longer than expected. Still, by this point everyone had probably been picked up. It was time to go down and see what everyone was up to. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, and pulling on a short sleeve button up walked out of his room to head downstairs. On his way down, Dor tried to his best to avoid looking out any windows. He hated being reminded that he was technically inside a Muggle automobile. Getting in always made him a little nervous, but he got over it once inside. He just didn't like seeing the road. He found himself humming, and didn't notice until he walked into the hangout area that it was the song that had been playing on Muggle radio all summer. Walking in, his eyes scanned the room. It didn't seem many of his friends were in here yet. Mostly a bunch of younger students. He walked to the couches usually reserved for the older students. He noticed Gatsby, who seemed to be abosrbed in his book. The guy was all right. Dor would have said something, but he personally didn't enjoy being bothered while reading so he just avoided him. Wes was also nearby. Dor looked for a different area to sit. He was not exactly looking to start the year off having to deal with her. But then again, his mind changed when he caught sight of Ebony. With a grin, he walked over to the pair of girls and plopped down on a couch across from them. [color=7f6b00]"Well hey there, Ebony, Wes. Had a good summer, I hope? Mine was... somethin' else."[/color] He made a show of staring off as if remembering it wistfully, then glanced back at the girls with a chuckle.