[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/XtIbuTS.png[/img][/center] "Thank you, Commander," Sergeant First Class Morse, also known as Dash placed his notebook back in his pocket. He had secured VHF radio frequencies and call signs for VFA-102 [i]Diamondbacks[/i]. The squadron consists of twelve F/A-18F Super Hornets. The squadron commander told SFC Morse they would have a flight of four Super Hornets available for Close Air Support to provide ordnance wherever needed during their operation. Sergeant Morse shared his callsign, [i]Dash Three Seven[/i] with the Diamondback's Squadron Commander to help coordinate air strikes if needed. Sergeant Morse hefted his pack and followed the others out onto the helicopters taking them into Indonesia. He retrieved the earpiece and listened to the British SAS NCO talking with the Team Commander, Captain JB Upton. [i]'Man, he does look a lot like Jason Bourne,'[/i] Tyus Morse thought to himself. He listened to Chief Bastion detail his ideas and suggestions to the Captain. Tyus silently approved of the Chief's ideas. When the opportunity arose, he piped up, "Eagle, this is Dash. Prior to departing CVN-73, I secured radio frequencies and call signs for the US Navy's VFA-102. Commander Little, the squadron Commander informed me that he could have a flight of four F/A-18F Super Hornet's available to us if we need Close Air Support. I have comms and they are up." As a US Army Special Forces soldier, SFC Morse had training and experience serving with both US Air Force and US Naval Attack Aircraft, working as a Tactical Air Controller. Sergeant Morse looked around at the others aboard the helicopter to get a feel for who Wolfman, Chip and Breach were. They would be his teammates pretty soon. [hr] Sergeant Czerepusko became familiar with Corporal Thatcher. "OK, Wraith. Thanks for working with me. You are the boss and call out the targets for me. Give me corrections as needed, OK?" Scooter wanted to establish a good rapport with his spotter. "If you like we can swap roles once in a while. That way you can be the shooter and I'll be the spotter." Scooter boarded his helicopter with Wraith and received his earpiece. He listened in on the conversation with Chief Bastion and Captain Upton. It looked like he and Wraith would be providing overwatch on the ground. They would need to hike up into the hills to find a clear line of sight that afforded decent visuals of the countryside and potential Area of Operations.