[center][h1]Sleeping Panda ʕ -ᴥ-ʔ[/h1][/center] [sup]"Hmph. Fine..."[/sup] She said, releasing Miyu from her embrace. She grudgingly stepped back and flopped down onto her beanbag. Little consolation for opportunity she had just given up. Out of most of the agents in the Oubtreaker Agency; Miyu was by far the softest, and squishy in certain places... Hugging Miyu was sort of like a privilege for those close enough to be so intimate with her. And her flushed cheeks, even though they didn't really raise the temperature, made Panda feel even warmer inside. But as good as it was, work needed to take precedence over play and Miyu [i]was[/i] an admin of sorts, so her work was more important than most. She still couldn't help but feel disappointed that her time was cut short however. [sup]"Is it a job?"[/sup] She asked from her low position. [hr] [@VitaVitaAR] [@Zetsuko]