Solomon stared after Morgana. He already thought she was cute at first glance - though being attracted to her was the furthest thing from his mind - but just at that moment, he also found her equal parts endearing, and somewhat . . . sad? No that wasn't the right word, he thought. There wasn't anything "sad" about her, not with how tough she was and how rough her personality is. But the moment those words left her mouth, Solomon couldn't think of how lonely they sounded. [i]"Ah . . . yeah, lonely's the word."[/i] "I see," he muttered similarly under his breath, as he watched her walk back to her room. It wasn't any of his business, so he wouldn't pry - but he knew there was a story behind that. Only time would tell if something came of it. Getting up, Solomon nearly flinched as the earlier soreness returned vindictively. Ignoring how tired he was, Solomon made way for the training ground. He would rest soon - his body wasn't really giving him a choice here! - but there was something he needed to test out. Remembering the lessons from earlier, Solomon inhaled deeply, feeling his magic run through him. It was easier now that it was at the start of the day. He conjured a fireball on the palm of his hand. Rather than throwing it immediately, however, Solomon let it stay and stretched out his other hand, while straining the limits of his concentration. He recalled what Charles told them earlier. This "Ball" spell was the basics of the basics. As a spell, one could use practically any element with it, all one had to do "switch" the corresponding element . . . now that was something he found interesting. He focused on his free palm, and used the feeling of the fireball spell on his other hand as reference. The image of his chain breaking was what helped him form the fireball, so what if he tried changing the image? Rather than breaking, he pictured the chain flowing, from one link into another. For added measure, he decided to include a chant as well, with a small modification. I call upon thee spirit of water, form before me your power! Waterball!" he said, dispersing the fireball in his right hand and focusing all sensation on his left, preparing for what would happen next.