Yet another work complaint from me. I swear, some people don't appreciate their jobs. Ok, so I've got a coworker, let's call him Derek. Derek doesn't get along with the newer assistant manager, we'll call him Harry. Harry asks Derek if he's completed a task that normally isn't done unless a certain number of packages is in the assigned bin. Derek proceeds to ask (in a rather disrespectful tone, I might add) if that it really needed to be done since there was only one package and Harry says that for the sake of making package time cuts, it has to be done. From this point, I can't hear too clearly, as I'm on the other side of the package bins sorting the items into their spots, but I think Harry kept insisting and Derek continued to question it. The whole time, I kept thinking to myself 'god, in the amount of time that was just wasted, it could have been done and over with.' It finally gets done, but then I proceed to hear Derek muttering rather loudly as he usually does when he's ticked off (thankfully, he refrained from slamming the bin doors this time. That usually startles me). Of course, this now means he's going to willingly do bad at his job, which is emptying the bins that I keep filling. Derek thinks he's getting back at the manager, but really? He's just making my job harder. Because now several bins are full and the packages have to go on the floor -.- After I nudge him to go back to what he should be doing, he empties the bins. But, continues to act like a put out toddler. Once in awhile, he'd find a reason to not do his work, mainly by finding something to read out loud on one of the packages. He thinks he's being funny, but he's distracting to me, and my head manager sees it. Derek keeps reading out loud to me even after I've told him I had a glance at the packaging and my manager tries to speak to me. He finally has to turn to Derek, gives him the dirtiest look and says "Seriously, be quiet!". I almost giggled. Sometimes, I really wish Derek would do something stupid again so he could get fired. He's almost gotten fired before for going on Youtube on the scanner computers and playing music. Derek's childish behavior usually has unintended ripples of effect, unfortunately. When others hear him getting in an argument with the assistant manager, they start talking amongst themselves about it, further lowering productivity. For the love of god, I come to work to make money, not go back to high school/elementary school! -.-