Sunday. Noonish She had been sitting in her room trying to convince herself to pick up all the dirty clothes that were chattered about most of the morning. Cleaning was one of her least favorite things to do when she got home since she had to do it at work. Also she disliked laundry the most because not only did she have to pick it up, she had to go to the basement to wash her clothes and chance having to stand awkwardly there with another people waiting on our clothes to finish. "Another time" She told herself as she pulled her legs up on the couch with the rest of her. Just then..... A HUGE cat crawled out of the ceiling like a ninja. Doing a spiderman climb thing across the wall followed by two amazingly executed back flips she found herself tied up and pinned under it with its paws covering her mouth. "Shhh.. your death will be purrrfect." She was being suffocated by a giant cat. Was she going to die? Was this the end for her? Just then she sat up quickly from the floor to find an angry looking cat beside her. "It was a dream... Co-co.. it was.. wait.." She finally let it all settle in as she stared at her cat. "You tried to kill me you catnip sniffing junky." The cat didn't protest, instead he got up off the floor and walked over to the couch and jumped on it. She finally made it to her feet. Even though she was a little light headed she felt good, great actually. Better then she should have felt considering she had slept on the floor on an awkward position. She stretched a little to make sure nothing was hurt and surprisingly nothing was. Even her aches from the wreck were gone. "The wreck!" She finally remember touching her side. "I don't feel it" She lifted her shirt to check the bruise, looking down of course she didn't see anything. When it came to see anything under her breast she could just forget it. Vida bolted to the bathroom and turned on the light to inspect herself. She held her shirt down and closed her eyes trying to remember what it looked like yesterday. "It was blue and red.. some purple. Really ugly. Today it should be a blacklish blue purple color and be hurting." Alright she was ready. Lifting her shirt she stared at the spot that had been hurt the day before. "Holy crap!" She yelled jumping back almost out of her tiny bathroom. She pulled her shirt back down quickly. Impossible. Her skin was clear of any sort of bruise. "No, no. It has to be there." Again she lifted her shirt to see and just as quickly she pulled her shirt back down. "That's impossible." She said shaking her head. "Oh god. I'm dead. I died last night. I knew I should have gone to the hospital!" Vida didn't know how to prove she wasn't dead then she thought of something she had heard as a kid. In dreams you can't feel pain. "Pain.. PAIN! Of course. If I am dreaming I can't feel pain!" She ran from her bathroom into the kitchen searching desperately for a knife or anything with a sharp edge. Finally finding a small knife she picked it up. Her cats by now were on the counter watching their owner with plenty of entertainment. This was the most energy they had seen her with in a couple of months and they seemed to enjoy it. She looked up at her cats. "Now you guys would tell me I was dead, right? Right?" Her littlest cat gave a half purr half meow as a response. "No, you guys would let me be a ghost forever without telling me. Well.. here goes nothing." She said and turned her head away from her arm as the knife slid across her skin. The blade didn't cut her to deeply since she could instantly feel the bite. Her hand released the knife letting it fall to her kitchen floor. "Ow ow ow! That was the dumbest things I have ever done!" She exclaimed holding her bleeding arm. She turned her attention to her cats. "Why did you let me do that! OH MY GOD IT-" She stopped noticing that the pain was gone. "...doesn't really hurt." She removed her hand to look at the cut. She was shocked to find only the blood from the cut. She was healed. "It's healed!" She was still in a panic. Normal people don't just all of a sudden get healed. They aren't all of a sudden just better out of no where. Vida ran to her front door and opened it. Looking down one side of the hall then the other she ran down to the stair well and continued to the lobby. Opening the door she ran up to the first person that was there. "Sir!" She grabbed onto his jacket sleeve gaining her his full attention against his will. "What the hell do you want?" He snapped at her with a look of disgust. Of course he would have that look since her clothes were all messed up and her hair wasn't in the least bit in place. Not the mention she probably didn't smell that amazing. She stared up at him. "Am I dead?" She asked him seriously. "Or asleep?" The man pulled his arm away from her. "Stupid druggy. Get away from me." He walked away from her quickly leaving her there still confused. "Druggy.. no, it isn't drugs." She knew for certain that she wasn't on drugs. If she wasn't dead though then what was happening to her?