[quote=Killas] Seems we have a few cosplayers in this thread :'D The next con I'm going as Fem Edward Elric, due to him being my spirit animal and all, hahahaha.Personally I think it's difficult to even pick an anime that could be my favorite because here is so many different things in an anime that are better than others. Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion including R2 has such a insane suspense and plot twist factor. Then we have classic Cow boy bebop which is fantastic, FMA + brotherhood, but I think my favorite is the newer anime Shingeki No Kyojin. What newer animes have you guys been watching? I'm recently watching Noragami.Ps: I love your Darker than black siggy and Vash siggy, the manga was great. [/quote] Welcome!~ I love FMA and would be delighted to see how that cosplay turns out. I am quite a big fan of gender-bend cosplays. I always wanted to do one myself, but I have not done one yet for some reason or another. I do however have some ideas for a female versions of the fourth doctor and Light Yagami. I sorry my first question was a bit hard to answer, I don't blame you. I just decided to put it out there to spark a conversation. I have trouble picking between my favorite anime as well. It is nearly impossible. Noragami is one of my favorite anime that is airing right now. I am also watching Hamatora, Pupa, and Samurai Flamenco. I am enjoying all of them, however, I have to say I am quite frustrated with Hamatora and Samurai Flamenco at the moment, for reasons I would rather not go into detail. Thank you for the complement, it took me a while to find that exact gif from the opening. As for the lyrics, I know them by heart. I might change it to Guilty Crown soon, though.