*shrugs* A shame [@Vordak] hasn't elaborated on how he balances out these "debates" yet. If it couldn't help along this project, it would be pretty useful for the off-topic section! I don't think this type of system is ever going to appeal to free-form writers. The only way I see this system working is if there's a clear disconnect between what's being done in writing and what's being done in the game itself. As an example: Player X performs a basic attack Player Y casts attack amplification buff Player X casts dispel, removing amplification buff The above scenario could be written in a variety of ways. It doesn't even have to be an actual fight. We could have Joe (player Y) trying to convince his wife Anna (player X) not to have a divorce with him. The "fight" starts out with Anna accusing joe of cheating on her. Joe then asks Anna to recall the time they first met, granting a buff to all his "remarks." But then Anna dispells it by announcing that they only met because he was so drunk he mistook Anna for his date that night. The people interested in a system like that, one that asks it's players to wrap the rigid rules in imagination, are not ever going to appeal to free-form players. Free form players are debating. But what Vordak didn't mention is that it's a debate between opinions. There are few facts in the debate-like fights in free-form battles. The only thing that's fact is the character sheets, while everything else is making up powerful suggestions. You have two very different ideas here, and I don't think one will ever appeal to the other. I don't think anyone is set in their ways, just that there are those of us who prefer rigid rules and those of us who prefer free-form fights. It's like comparing turn based RPGs to action based RPGs, the same concept for very different people. [quote=@Shoryu Magami] [@BrokenPromise] Referring to my post as a "rant", when it was actually a well thought out counterargument to everything you'd been throwing at me, is not a very sincere way to apologize. [/quote] I was hoping that you were going to just accept my apology and get this out of the way... but I guess I was expecting too much from someone who'd rather gossip about the event in a chat room. I have no problem talking things over with people who think I'm flaming. Accidents happen. But I have no respect for drama mongers. You lack the level of maturity required to have a civil argument with me, and I refuse to read arguments written by such people. Wanna know why I can enter your chat room and not rant my head off? I chose to [url=https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--WtM-UVZ4--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/ahnd5kbodhnl8ypl1wjv.jpg]be like Bill[/url].